Author Topic: Obama's tactics backfire, BiBi Netanyahu re-elected!  (Read 1392 times)

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Re: Obama's tactics backfire, BiBi Netanyahu re-elected!
« Reply #15 on: March 21, 2015, 04:41:11 PM »
The mere presence of the Jews is the primary cause of Arab resentment   
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Re: Obama's tactics backfire, BiBi Netanyahu re-elected!
« Reply #16 on: March 21, 2015, 06:27:50 PM »
Israel's removal of the Palestinians and their apartheid policy of building 20 foot high walls and restricted highways for Jews only are a major cause of Arab resentment.

   There is a Chicken and egg argument in this.

    With a lot less bombing there would be a lot less wall , the walling off of Arab enclaves did not precede the indefadath they were a successful curb to the violence.

   One quick way for a Palestinian to get killed is to become a real estate agent , there might be a lot less apartheid if the Palestinians were not quite so keen on enforcing it.

      If a Palestinian and an Israeli become good buddies, which one should be more worried about assassination from his own ? This has happened both ways but it is a lot more common in one direction.


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Re: Obama's tactics backfire, BiBi Netanyahu re-elected!
« Reply #17 on: March 21, 2015, 07:32:29 PM »

   It isn't hard for reporters to find mild and reasonable people when they visit Israel , or Palestine.

    But that the mild might outnumber the cruel and unreasonable doesn't seem to matter, a pretty strong minority can run things or ruin things.


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Re: Obama's tactics backfire, BiBi Netanyahu re-elected!
« Reply #18 on: March 21, 2015, 09:45:03 PM »
Jews like to sue and do battle in the courts. There are far fewer Palestinians, and they tend to do battle in a less formalized manner. The fact is, however, that Netanyahu comes to the US, begs vast amounts of money from our government and even more from American Jews, and then invites all the Jews of the world to come and settle in the West bank, since there is no room for them in the rest of Israel. Jewish charities are tax deductible, so when rich Jews donate to Israel, the money they claim as deductions need to be paid for by those of us who claim no "second countries".

To most Americans, the feud between Palestinians and Jews should be no more important than feuds between Paikistanis, Indians and Kashmiris over Kashmir, Armenians over Nagorny Karabackh or Moldavians and Transdenestrians. We have to pay and pay and pay for asshole beggars likie Netanyahu and I see no reason for it.

Israel is essentially a racist proposal. Some people are deemed to have more rights than others because of their religion and/or their genes in Israel, and this is agaisnt they essence of muy country and my taxes should not be pissed away on what is essentially ethnic cleansing and apartheid.
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