Author Topic: Bill Maher says this sooo well.  (Read 2460 times)

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Bill Maher says this sooo well.
« on: August 09, 2015, 08:07:54 PM »
Bill Maher's excellent and sobering commentary on the wealth gap


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Last night, Bill Maher closed with a powerful New Rule about the wealth gap in our country, and why the wealthy should be afraid, very afraid.

    And finally, New Rule: since the average CEO now makes 380 times the wage of the average worker, if you want to modernize The Great Gatsby, don't just show the rich exploiting the poor, show the rich eating them.  (graphic of zombie eating human flesh)

    Yes, a new version of The Great Gatsby opened today, a fond look back at a gilded age when the very rich ran their big pretty cars right over the very poor.  And that was supposed to make you sad — for the rich, or the car, I can't quite remember.

    But the point is, Gatsby isn't really accurate for today, because the wealth gap now is so much more profound than it was even in the 1920s.  The average "sales" associate at Walmart makes $8.81 an hour.  While the six heirs to the Walmart fortune are worth $90 billion (audience gasps) — the same as the bottom 130 million Americans.  Yes, the have-nots are getting a lot have-nottier.

    And not just at Walmart.  1 in 4 Americans makes less than $10 an hour.  146 million, about half the country, do not have enough to meet basic needs.  And I say if you don't want to pay people, just go all the way and do what we do here in Hollywood, and call them "interns".  (audience laughter and applause)

    Look at fast food jobs.  It used to be they were the extra jobs our kids would do to earn money for gas and weed.  So they weren't using up all of mom and dad's.  Adults worked actual jobs.  But now, the economy is such that the fast food jobs are the actual jobs.  The median age of a fast food worker is now 28.  At the end of the order, they say, "Do you want one of my kids with that?"

    And they're the lucky ones.  There's now a web service called that matches rich men with cash-strapped college girls.  He provides tuition money, and she provides "companionship".  It's one hand washing the other — only in the case of one of the hands, it's a penis.  (grossed out audience laughter)

    Or Google the words "McDonald's prostitute", and you'll see stories about women being arrested for offering sex in exchange for a Happy Meal.  Google "self surgery", and you'll see people operating on themselves, because they have no health care.  Families are literally eating cat food.  I mean, something is really not right when the kids hear the can opener, and start rubbing themselves against your shin.

    And the older kids?  42% of recent college grads live in the houses they grew up in, because they cannot afford rent anywhere else.  And it's really creepy when you're a co-ed trolling for a sugar daddy on, and you get an IM from your actual dad downstairs saying, "Damnit, honey, I'm already paying your rent!"  (audience groaner)

    There was a story recently about a Georgia man whose home was in foreclosure, savings running out.  So he called 911, and when the responders arrived, he took them hostage.  His demand?  Getting his electricity turned back on.  Now I'm not saying that's a smart approach, but squeezing people economically so tight, that they go all Django Unchained, that's not smart either.

    If you're rich, you should be begging the government to redistribute your wealth.  'Cause you know what happens in countries where there's a huge disparity between the rich and the poor?  The rich get kidnapped.  It happens 72 times a day in Mexico.  Getting snatched out of your car is so common in South Africa, that they actually make cars that do this.

    (shocked audience reaction) (car shoots flames from underneath)

    Do you really think your trophy wife is going to empty out the Swiss bank account to save your sorry ass?  I'm talking to you, Donald Trump!  (audience cheering and applause)

    Think about it.  And remember, the difference between a mosquito and a hedge fund manager, is a mosquito will stop sucking blood before it explodes.
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Re: Bill Maher says this sooo well.
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2015, 09:16:01 PM »
Yes, the have-nots are getting a lot have-nottier.

This seems like the basic mistake.

There is not a replay of the grapes of wrath going on, the condition of the poor and middle class generally rises and generally always rises.

The dust bowl could happen again , and 25% unemployment could happen again , why not?

   But this isn't happening right now , this is just an exaggerated complaint from someone who is obviously a racist who hates the President for being black.


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Re: Bill Maher says this sooo well.
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2015, 09:38:21 PM »
That makes no sense at all.  There is no mention of the President or race in the entire article.

The fact is that we are not in a depression, we are in a situation where the richer are getting much richer, and no one else is doing better than running in place.

Half of all the children in Miami Dade county live below the poverty line.
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Re: Bill Maher says this sooo well.
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2015, 10:31:57 PM »
and so why are we allowing millions of poor uneducated illegal aliens to settle into our country?
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Re: Bill Maher says this sooo well.
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2015, 10:36:55 PM »
  I forgot, our president is a Democrat.

  We won't have a homeless problem until an half hour after we elect a Republican.

   The Homeless are like Cicadas that way.


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Re: Bill Maher says this sooo well.
« Reply #5 on: August 10, 2015, 09:19:41 AM »
More of the current illegals came across during the Juniorbush years than during President Obama's term.

No Republican is going to expel 11 million people.
No fence is going to keep people from coming here illegally.
There are now more Chinese entering illegally than Mexicans. And it is not by coming in through Mexico.

We will ALWAYS have a homeless problem. It is now clear that treating the homeless in hospitals and locking them up in jails and prisons costs considerably more than providing them with a place to live.  So the impediment is simply a bunch of irrational dolts standing on the principle that no one should ever get anything free and that what we are giving away for free does not really exist, that jails cost nothing, prisons cost nothing, municipal ER treatment costs nothing.

There will always be a very few people who refuse to live anywhere but on the street, because they are simply crazy. But it is a very small percentage.

Living on the street makes people crazy.

The same stupidity is used to prevent prisoners from getting Pell Grants to get college degrees and become productive, tax paying citizens.

It is Donald Trump stupidity. Republican't stupidity.

Every time someone is standing there in the middle of the street begging drivers for loose change,  it is a testimonial to Republican't stupidity.
Every time a prisoner is cast pout of prison with no marketable skills and nowhere to go, and commits another crime, it is due to Republican't stupidity.
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Re: Bill Maher says this sooo well.
« Reply #6 on: August 10, 2015, 10:48:02 AM »
More of the current illegals came across during the Juniorbush years than during President Obama's term.

who gives a shit? there are still way too many coming. more than most countries allow.
we have enough already.
Bush like Obama/Clinton are all part of the Oligarchy destroying our country.

The article I posted says there is a new illegal surge starting again.
The more important problem is not the ones here, the bigger problem is not allowing millions more.
Sure it has slowed down partly because of a shit economy....but it is still a huge problem.
If we have a wealth's insane to allow millions more poor sneak in...that only makes it worse.
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Re: Bill Maher says this sooo well.
« Reply #7 on: August 10, 2015, 04:03:54 PM »
More people sneaked in during both Olebush's term and Juniorbush's term on a per year basis, and you said not one thing against it.
There are as many people returning to Mexico now as are sneaking in, so the net difference is somewhere around zero.

And no, The Donald is not going to build a wall unless he gets Congress to allocate the money, and no, there is no way he can make Mexico pay for a wall to keep its own citizens in. The Donald is full of crap. If he were president, he would offend enough of the members of Congress of both parties that he would get NOTHING done. Businessmen make the shittiest kind of president. A businessman can fire anyone he wishes. A president has to deal on good terms with 100 senators, 345 Representatives and nine Supreme Court justices and thousands of bureaucrats that he cannot fire.

Who are the only two businessmen presidents?

Herbert Hoover, who made several fortunes, and Juniorbush a privileged crony capitalist who made one good deal in his lifem which involved getting taxpayers to build a stadium for his loser baseball team and then selling the team and the ill-gotten stadium at a huge profit.

They are competing for the absolute WORST president ever.

Unless you count Jefferson Davis, who was only a sort of president.
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Re: Bill Maher says this sooo well.
« Reply #8 on: August 10, 2015, 08:06:21 PM »
More people sneaked in during both Olebush's term and Juniorbush's term on a per year basis, and you said not one thing against it.

do you ever tire of your statements being proven wrong?

I have been an outspoken critic if immigration under Clinton/Bush/Obama
I don't care who is being controlled by the Oligarchy.
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Re: Bill Maher says this sooo well.
« Reply #9 on: August 10, 2015, 09:09:01 PM »
There is no way anyone is going to deport 11 million people. The problem of illegal immigration from Mexico is diminishing.  And a blowhard like Trump is not going to do anything other than what he always does, gas off and accomplish precisely nothing.

No matter what is done. Texas will eventually be a place where Hispanics are in the majority, because they have more children. When the children grow up, they will not despise Mexican immigrants as you do and they will vote for Democrats, because Republican'ts have made it clear that they are opposed to Hispanics.

It is certainly not all bad. San Antonio has vastly more character than Dallas, Houston or Lubbock.
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Re: Bill Maher says this sooo well.
« Reply #10 on: August 10, 2015, 09:15:42 PM »
There is no way anyone is going to deport 11 million people.

SIRS Straw-man Alert!
I have already stated in this thread that it is more important to stop additional millions of poor uneducated people from coming.
We do not need MORE uneducated poor people at this time....we have plenty of already stretched resources.
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Re: Bill Maher says this sooo well.
« Reply #11 on: August 10, 2015, 09:40:50 PM »
I am opposed to more illegals, but again, the flow from Mexico is neutral: as many are leaving as are entering.  Building an expensive wall all along the border is not going to stop illegal crossings. The Republican't position is that first they flow must be stopped before anything is done about those already here is just stupid, since the flow will NEVER be entirely stopped. They need to do more about people who overstay their visas. But all we get from the teabaggers is a bunch of crap about anchor babies and changing the automatic citizenship of anyone born here. I see no real efforts to do this, it is just a smokescreen. There are a lot of employers who want to hire illegals because they are cheap and easily intimidated. They prefer cheap, easily threatened workers to legal immigrants and citizens who might start unions or demand safer working conditions.
"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."