This is not true. The Swedish government, the Norwegian government and the Dutch government are all far less corrupt that any government that this country has ever had.
Current population of Norway - 5,000,000
Current population of Sweden - 9,500,000
Current population of the Netherlands - 17,000,000
Total of those 3 examples 31,000,000
Current population of the United States alone
320,000,000+Those other countries, are a mere fraction the size and population of the United States. .... as in BIG in we are massively bigger than those 3 combined. As a result, there is FAR more corruption going on with this Government
And the bigger we get, the worse it gets
Corporate corruption is the worst of all, and only a powerful government can abolish it.
Not even close. Corporations can't break into anyone's house or confiscate your wealth. Corporations can't mandate behavior. Corporations can't take away someone's freedom. Only Government can do that, as that is a FAR GREATER conundrum than some business that the left thinks is being too greedy with its profits.
Government Corruption is worst of all, since there's nothing powerful enough to stop that avalanche, once it gets going, outside of who still is supporting our Bill of Rights