sirs believes in WMD's.
More accurately, Sirs believes in the vast majority of global intel, that most everyone else did as well, that claimed Saddam had WMD's. The simple fact he had even used them on the Kurds helps support that initial conclusion
sirs wants all Democrats to be perfect, and alas, they all fall short of his definition of this.
More accurately, Sirs wants ALL politicians to be held accountable to their actions. Actions taken with the judgement of doing what's right for this country, gets a long leash. Actions taken to cover one's ass, and put America at risk at the same time, gets pretty much no leash
Dick Cheney apparently does not need to be perfect.
Nor is he expected to be.
Notice now the changing goal posts....the effort to paint what Clinton did, with simply inferring "nobody's perfect". What she did with her e-mail, was criminal, period. She put this country at risk (and more likely than not, that unsecured server has been hacked by the Russians and Chinese, perhaps even the Iranians and North Koreans. They're not going to tell us of course, they're just going to use all that classified top secret information they pulled from her to go after our most secured intelligence assets, and put at greater risk our country in general.
And it wasn't as irresponsible as to convenience either. She's far too smart to pull a Lindsey Lohan. The "convenience" excuse is just another lie. She did it to have complete control of everything that went thru her and the Clinton foundation, while she was SoS. Oversight didn't exist with her, since she didn't adhere to what EVERY OTHER government employee must. The safety and security of this country, came at the expense of her being able to not allow any Government committee or agency to see what she was doing, or how it may have connected with the Clinton Foundation. That's validated by how she tried to wipe the server clean before turning it over