Palin is a resident of Alaska, which has just one (1) representative. And Palin is certainly loathed by the Republican Party of Alaska. She is a QUITTER. She elected governor, and she REFUSED TO DO HER JOB. And her decision was not based on politics, but on her own monetary ambitions. She made SUCKERS out of all those people who voted for her. She turned out to be a Betsy Wetsy that refused to Wetsy.
Most states require that their congressmen actually LIVE in the district, which certainly makes sense. She could not be elected to any national office and will not be. She does not actually stand for anything except being "against Washington". She would be as useless as that other ditz, FORMER (with an emphasis on the former) Michelle Bachmann, who did nothing useful in Congress except exhibit major religious nutball insanity.
Palin is POLITICALLY DECEASED, DEAD. Like John Cleese's parrot. She is through. I really doubt that she has even the ability to make it as a rightwing radio rantster. It would be fun to mock her, however. She is essentially doomed to be the Official Rightwing PiƱata.