Author Topic: The Sanders/Trump Phenomenon  (Read 660 times)

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The Sanders/Trump Phenomenon
« on: March 09, 2016, 02:04:29 PM »
...or more accurately, the electorate is mad as hell phenomenon.  So folks can erroneously rail that Trump is simply catering to racists and isolationists, yet ignores why Sanders has been giving Clinton all forms of campaign fits.  You see, the reason both have been drawing the crowds and attention has squat to do with catering to racists, and everything to do with catering to those who are fed up with the DC status quo.....aka "the Establishment".  The left is fed up with the double standing, pathological lying Clinton machine, and the right is fed up with the continual being thrown under the bus after ignoring everything the candidates campaigned on, to get them elected

Now the base of each of these fed up crowds, couldn't be any different....young millineals, convinced they have a right to everything, except being offended, and Bernie's going to "take it to those evil rich bastards", while the vast majority of Trump supporters have latched on to the ONLY candidate who comes about as serious in controlling our disastrous border enforcement

The point I'm making however is look at how each "party" is dealing with the phenomenon.  The GOP trotted out Romney, who trashed Trump more than he trashed Obama's piss poor record as President.  They also keep throwing out the notion of a contested convention.  The Establishment" hates the idea of a non-member taking control, but the people of the country get to have the final say.

Now, look over at the Democrat party.  Sanders could very easily get more delegates than Clinton, and NOT be the people's pick, because the Democrats have these "super-delegates", who get to pledge who they're going to vote for regardless of what the people say.  And guess who has nearly every super-delegate vote.  That's right, Clinton.  Its one of the reasons so many Democrats decided not to even try running, because the Democrat party, as personified by Debbie Washerman Schultz, have stacked the deck so far in Clinton's favor, even before the campaign got into full gear.  1st they were going to limit debates, but then when the DNC saw that Clinton needed to "reintroduce her", all of a sudden, more debates were planned for.  Point being, as opposed to the GOP, it would appear that the people don't get to decide who the Democrat's nominee is going to be 
« Last Edit: March 10, 2016, 12:39:50 AM by sirs »
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