Hillary could not have prevented this anymore that president could have prevented the attacks on the Cole and the African embassies.
She ignored warnings, but what you say is possibly true.
I do not think it is true because President Obama and secretary Clinton did not think it true.
Just as quick as it happened they sprang into action , sweeping truth under the rug, minimizing the importance of the incident and seeking scapegoat.
Franticly offering a scapegoat to the public does not indicate clear conscience.
While we are conducting a war, we can expect the enemy to strike us once in a while , sometimes very hurtfully.
So I place much less blame on the President and Secretary for the attack, it is not good to give the enemy easy targets, but it happens to even good generals.
The failing grade is for lying to us and casting about for scapegoat.
It is not made better by demanding that we not look.