Although perjury is a crime, and Scooterman is guilty of it, the actual loathsome act was Cheney deciding to punish Wilson for basically telling the truth (there was no Iraqi attempt to buy uranium in Niger) and trashing a part of the long string of lies that the Juniorbushies told in order to justify the misbegotten conquest scheme for Iraq.
Iraq had nothing to do with the 9-11 attacks, and there would have been no approval of Congress or of the public to invade Iraq if not for this long series of lies.
People, many people, have died as a result of this deception, and Cheney was the mastermind. That is why I say that he should go to prison for a very, very long time.
I doubt that Scooter will do a day in prison.
Cheney will get little more than a bad reputation as the worst VP ever, and of course, even richer.
Because in addition to being a liar, he is a thief.