. But they forget that Bush didn't initially become a war president by choice; 9/11 was thrust upon him. He was a "compassionate conservative" who didn't want to leave any children behind. The strategy that he and Karl Rove (a T.R. groupie) concocted was to create a GOP version of "feel your pain" Clintonism.
Juniorbush, through towering and unprecedented incompetence, allowed 9/11 to happen. It might have been jusitfiable to attack Afghanistan over 9/11, but there was absolutely, positively NO way that 9/11 justified the conquest of Iraq in any way.
There was no way that Iraq would have been attacked unless 9/11 had not put the sheeple in a scared and vengeful mood, either.
Juniorbush set out to reap great profits for his family and friends, and the war just made itr easier to do this without adult supervision.
He could give a shit about the country or its sheeple.