<<My comments in the other thread were obviously aimed at Abu Ghraib.>>
You picked a good example. I'm sure you know that less than 10% of the available photos and videos taken at Abu Ghraib have been released by the Pentagon to this day. The ones that did get released were all of the "non-fatal" kind that lent themselves to portrayals of "frat boy pranks" by right-wing commentators.
<< The statistics you cite are troublesome but unexplained. >>
OF COURSE they're "unexplained." Did you even bother to read the report that I linked to? It would have given you some inkling of the stone wall of bureaucratic and administrative obstruction that the investigators ran into. Bodies withheld for three months; internal organs destroyed; CIA investigations of cases involving Army Special Forces or Navy SEALS in which all significant portions are "classified" including such key details as whether or not water was used in the interrogation of the deceased; destruction of evidence (example - - a hyoid bone gone missing in the investigation of a suspected strangulation. The CIA investigations are farcical in nature - - WATER is a classified top-secret weapon? Hyoid bones gone missing?
Either you just didn't bother to read the report you are commenting on, or you have chosen to view the facts the same way that the Sheriff's Department of Neshoba County, Mississippi would have seen the "unexplained" death of a "Negro" adolescent male found dead three months after he was last seen being removed from the county jail at midnight by a drunken crowd of local white citizens. That Sheriff's Department would have had just as tough a time as you seem to have in explaining the death. No smoking gun, I guess. For some guys, there never is.
"Troublesome" BTW is a good adjective. How would you describe the "statistics" out of Auschwitz? "Deeply disturbing?"
<<34 are suspected homicides? When were the deadly (homicidal) blows inflicted, and what was the nature of the wounds? You ignore this. >>
I ignore this? Read the fucking report for Christ sake! YOU ignore this. There's a couple dozen case studies more or less. What fucking gall.
<<So too, who was the agent of any homicides that were indeed committed? I refer directly to prisoner-on-prisoner violence, which would seem as likely in Iraqi prisons as anywhere else and maybe moreso given the sunni-Shiite hatred. >>
Yeah, that's brilliant, Einstein. They're kept in isolation from one another so they can't discuss their interrogations with each other and make up the same bullshit stories, but then they're all mixed into two-man holding cells purely at random from which only one guy comes out alive. Thirty-four different times.
<<But I'll wait to see the news coverage of the report you're promising. To the extent there is culpability on American shoulders, those responsible should be and will be treated as the common criminals that they are.>>
That's hilarious. The report actually tells you EXACTLY how they're treated in the odd case where they ARE found guilty. The quality of justice in American military courts is nothing if not merciful.