Author Topic: Baqubah Update: 05 July 2007  (Read 1831 times)

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Re: Baqubah Update: 05 July 2007
« Reply #15 on: July 09, 2007, 04:49:35 AM »
<<Yes , in the fullness of time the rumors of Natzi atrosity turned out to not only be true , but only an iceburg tip of a large and terrible truth , but while it was a current roumor there were plenty of people who remembered the earlyer , false, roumors and considered the simularity.>>

That's true.  I was thinking of the Auschwitz story as having started from the discovery of the camps.  Rumors were circulating long before then and they were disbelieved by many people because they remembered the fake German atrocity stories of WWI.

However, the Auschwitz story, even assessed from your POV,  just proves my point.  I believe if I myself had heard it for the first time during the course of the war, I might not have believed it.  I might well have felt, well they pulled this shit before.  Made up all kinds of bullshit stories about German atrocities in the past, how do we know they're not doing the same thing all over again? 

HOWEVER, there is nothing   about the story in itself that makes one immediately see that it has to be bullshit.  There was no red flag on it.  The same common thread that runs through the "lunchtime," and "incubator" stories  was absent in the Auschwitz story.

The Belgian atrocity stories were of various types, some more believable than others.  The ones that you cited in this thread were exactly the same type of story as "incubator" and "lunch-time!" stories and thus instantly recognizable as fakes.

I'm surprised - - really surprised - - that you just can't or won't see how your Belgian atrocity story and the incubator and lunch-time! stories are all really just the same old story.  You must have your intellectual blinders on.

And what about the roumors of atrocity that turn out to be true is diffrent?

I try to avoid "intellectual blinders" however usefull they may seem.

You should try to avoid them too.

This story might very well turn out to be true , but leave that aside for now , because there is still no evidence presented at all, it is still time to use the grain of salt.

Look at who is telling this story , if it is a fabrication ,it is being fabricated much like the incubator story , by Arabs who want our help. Like Belgins who wanted our help.

Why wuld people in that stuation be so motivated to want our help ?

Michael Tee

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Re: Baqubah Update: 05 July 2007
« Reply #16 on: July 09, 2007, 11:11:40 AM »
Well the Kuwaitis wanted your help because they stood to lose the source of their fabulous wealth without it.  And the U.S. was not about to sacrifice its sons and daughters to preserve the wealth of the Emir of Kuwait, never a popular figure in America.

The British wanted your help because they were getting beaten by the German army in France. 

(I kind of wondered from the wording  of your question whether you realized that it was the British and not the Belgians who had fabricated the Belgian atrocity stories.)