. . . how come the U.S. government AND the Democratic "opposition" are making the passage of a petroleum or hydrocarbons law a benchmark of progress and one of the conditions for a US troop withdrawal?
In the total absence of ANY coverage in the MSM regarding this issue, I find that it's front-page in Al Jazeera:
http://www.aljazeera.com/news/newsfull.php?newid=8371obviously a key issue and just as obviously one that the MSM and the government (including the fake Democratic "opposition") are quite anxious to block from the public consciousness as much as possible.
The less said about this issue, the better. Complete ignorance of what's happening to Iraq's oil is what allows jackasses here and elsewhere to scoff at the very notion that the war is primarily first, last and always about oil. Permits the dumbest among them to cling to fairy tales about "sincerely mistaken" beliefs based on "best intel available" regarding WMD and the "coming bloodbath" that would be a necessary consequence of any U.S. withdrawal.