Author Topic: Resegregate  (Read 5669 times)

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Re: Resegregate
« Reply #45 on: July 09, 2007, 03:24:20 AM »
<<He exaggerates very much, can you find a Lester Maddox quote that realy means this?>>

What quote?  What part of a guy standing in front of his restaurant with an axe handle do you not understand, given the context of the news at the time?

plane, if you didn't get the guy's message loud and clear, you must have been the only man in the country who didn't.

<<Lester Maddox was willing to play by the rules even when the rules were busy being changed  in a direction he didn't like.>>

The rules required him to integrate his restaurant.  There wasn't any rule that required him to intimidate would-be integrators by standing in front of his place with an axe handle.  That is NOT "playing by the rules" as I understand it.  When you find me a rule that says that an owner of a restaurant required by law to integrate can pick up an axe handle and use it to intimidate blacks at the front door, then I'll agree with you.

I wish you would look into this for yourself , I know it is frustrateing to be so convinced an yet find all the evidence otherwise.

You can't find that quote can you ?  What did you find?

Lester was misrepresented to you by the people who think that bulding hate is a usefull thing.

What part of putting more black people into positions of power as govenor than any previous govenor is too complex for you ?

How did his encorageing people to avoid inflamitory language twards black peple escape notice?

He did as he should have done whn he didn't like the rules , he ran for office , it was a fluke that he won , but whe given the power he made a liar of many of his critics.


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Re: Resegregate
« Reply #46 on: July 09, 2007, 03:27:46 AM »
I think maybe what you're trying to say is that Maddox talked the talk but didn't walk the walk.

Lester Maddox talked a lot , but you can't find the quotes you were execting to find can you?