That's the given wisdom, and practice. But not much would sacrificed (and I propose much might be gained by a reinvigoration of spiritual life) by adopting universalism as an organizing principle, which openly embraces every good-faith sspiritual orientation, including agnosticism and atheism.
Yeah, that would work.
Get them all together under one roof, and tell them to turn and hug each other.
You better check for knives at the door first.
Tell them that, unavoidably, to make all of spiritual America much more like a Disney flik, they would all have to water down their beliefs, since those pesky little notions like ' . . . except that you worship a carpenter, you cannot ever, ever get up to heaven" . . .' are a real conference killer.
There is no bigger 'what's-the-use' out there than "except by Me", and it always clogs any sincere negotiations.
In fact, it leaves no room.
How many wars were started over the word 'infidel'?
Can you not see that these "religions" bring it all upon themselves?
Why are you or I responsible for their inability to account for themselves, their inability to coexist in harmony like you or I?
Is it too much to expect them to hold themselves accountable, like everybody else has to do?
Unfortunately, some of the existing maladies of dangerous dysfunction in America will need a paradigm shift. A universal demand for accountability would probably be shift enough.
You and I cannot end our differences with a sword, so why should they think and openly advocate that they can?
Some goddamned body should step forward and approach, with respect but with mighty firmness, religious America and tell them their privledged plastic is being pulled, due to over-charge.
Truth is, it has become an invisible caste. There is little that Bush has done to empower his Christian base that does not reek of simple, bestowed privledge. If you carry a Bible in your pocket, you are automatically a member of the new elite. You may not believe that it is true, or I might not, but you have to admit that they think it is.