<<In all fairness to Sirs, the talk about the Iraq war before it started was generally about the toppling of the then Iraqi government. .>>
Let's keep this factual, shall we? "Toppling the Iraqi government" was a pretty abstract concept that could take place in a variety of different ways. Not too many people would have been against such a project and the idea of toppling the Saddam regime in itself was non-controversial. The talk about Iraq before the war started - - the public debate, if you will - - was about going to war with Iraq. About INVADING Iraq.
Of course, in any invasion, there are objectives. One of the objectives of this invasion was to change the regime. But please get real. The debate in the U.S.A. was entirely focused on whether or not to go to war, and very little else. And here is a small sampling of what your leaders said about that:
<<The war could last six days, six weeks. I doubt six months.>> Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld [2/7/03]
Did you get that? The war would last six days or weeks. Not "the toppling of the Iraqi government" would take six days or six weeks. THE WAR would last six days or six weeks. What part of "the war" do you not get?
<<We will, in fact, be greeted as liberators. . . . I think it will go relatively quickly... (in) weeks rather than months. >>Vice President Cheney [3/16/03]>>
How did YOU interpret that message? Did it sound to you like the Veep was saying, "Oh, sure, six weeks or so to depose Saddam and then YEARS of hard fighting, heavy casualties and inconclusive results thereafter with no end in sight?" THAT'S what Mr. Cheney promised the American people when they were debating whether or not to invade another country? Or was the debate about going to war with Iraq being addressed with Mr. Cheney's assurances that this would be a relatively painless exercise?
If the context was the wisdom or unwisdom of invading Iraq, do you think that Mr. Cheney was telling folks, "Oh, hey, the first part, toppling Saddam, will be a snap - - just don't ask about the rest of it?" Is THAT how you interpret his statement? Because if you do, you are interpreting this in a way that less than one person in 10,000 would interpret it. Doing exactly what sirs did - - inserting distinctions into a very plain and straightforward statement in 2007 that just weren't there in 2003 when the statement was made.
These men were talking about "the war." The invasion of Iraq and the crushing of all resistance. They promised that what they proposed would be short and relatively effortless. Relatively easy.
Those speeches were not complex, Prince. They meant what they said. They did NOT mean what sirs now claims they meant.