Royalty as King or Prince, Ameer...or Amir.. needer/ natter....both are in the same regal vein. Perhaps my ex husband, whom I might add did not marry me to get his citizenship.....He was and still is a doctor in this country. Lives just around the mountain here. I am happy for him that he escaped the rage that was the revolution of the late 70's early 80's. Many of our friends(Iranian) died in that uprising.
As for the Paisley punchin' male mentality whether from Kentucky or Tehrannesee.....powerless male in any culture will "act out".
I do have to say that the point in all of this is that there are differences in the eastern middle and the western "American" culture. Differences so profound on varying stages, that we wouldn't be discussing this issue. The issue of "paisley" "prince" or King are a stab at semantics at best...but horrific real actions at worst.
Intent, rage, historical anger, and a sense of loss of true culture play more of a part than the black and white issue of male vs female rage.
I would love to conduct a study on rage as it occurs within certain cultures. I am sure there would be some variations and outcomes that read between the lines and offer insight, indeed.
One has to only live the experience of being held hostage in a land of "other". One has to only experince what it feels like to be hated because of one's culture. Of course....who hasn't experienced such racism.
I am here to say that I worry......worry about the anger that runs deep within a culture for reasons that go beyond being frustrated and bored.....or drunk and pissed. There is an anger in the Iranian male of the past, perhaps not the young "ones" of today.....Who among us doesn't know an "angry" old man who was once a happy young man in the late 60's before tripping the China sea fantastics? Vietnam vets.....vs.....WW2 vetw? Nah, war is war....but there is a thread of bitterness in teh VVet. that is not rampant in the WW2 vet. Who knows.....the men who fought/managed to crawl back home in shame know.
Perhaps there is still an anger that is passed on from generation to generation within the Persian male. But not every male....
That movie:? Not without my god, if you all ever see any movie...see that one. It's a documentary of sorts.....even though Sally Field dances the script with her over acting.....Scared? Yep....and don't think for a minute that I wasn't scard Sh**tless that I would die...not run home to mama in tears becasue my man hit me....scared and internally damaged in terms of being an American woman.
Can't explain it any other way..and yep...its was 33 odd years ago..and I can write about it to this day....sans the pain. In fact, I always have had compassion for the Iranian men and women. I just "know"...can't tell you anymore than that. I just "know".
Thus, I just "worry" about any outcome with regard to Iran vs USA.
Foreseeing? Just be careful. The fox is a trickster. Wise? maybe....but damn, damn tricky when it comes down to POWER.
So, I see that indeed that Amir Houshain was probably correct in his explanation of the "fist" idea, MT.
You might not be able to "imagine that'> ha! But, do you know that it's NOT true that the fist was part of teh ideal of the Persian Paisley?
You can make your best educated guess. I frankly don't care either way..and I can only say that there is always more to the story that Wikipedia and Google do not have diplomatic passports to unveil.