One point about this article that I wanted to make and couldn't as I was in a rush to head out today to attend my nephew's 6th birthday bash.
Bush and his buddies should have taken the time to read up on...or study, if you will, the on point possibilities of creating a Democracy in the nation of Iraq...far in advance of this debachery called the War on Terrorism on the road through Baghdad.
It is obvious to many for many a year, but there must be a significant paradigm shift in the way we elect our leaders. Where is the real intelligence in the nation's leadership today? Bush, and his cohorts should have at best researched and planned out with more than a military schematic road map before mowing down the dusty trails with Hummers and invalid reasoning.
Why do we jump before thinking in the world? Is it just we Americans? The world seems to think so.
I still hold out hope that we are a nation that demands strenght of splendor in the grass convictions, but our track record is coming close to receiving a failing grade. Mr. President, as much as your fighting back intentions were all well and were presented with the canvas blank and fresh on Sept 12th, 2001, and you just may have turned a chance to paint a masterpiece into a paint by number disaster. God, I hope not.