Author Topic: Madonna's 'cash for babies' hoopla  (Read 1219 times)

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Madonna's 'cash for babies' hoopla
« on: October 16, 2006, 08:30:00 PM »
I fail to see why all the hoopla. ???

Madonna is embroiled in a 'cash for babies' row after she dramatically flew the African child she wants to adopt out of Malawi on a private jet as charities battled to stop her.

One of the star's female staff, accompanied by a bodyguard, carried 13-month-old David Banda across the tarmac at Lilongwe airport and up the steps on to the plane. They flew to Johannesburg where they transferred to a commercial flight to Heathrow for a reunion with Madonna and her husband Guy Ritchie.

Last night children's charities, aid groups and church organisations said they were furious that the 48-year-old singer had removed the child in the face of fierce opposition. There was particular concern Madonna had flown the child out while knowing a court action was beginning to try to prevent her taking the child out of the country.

See also
Madonna set for further adoption hurdles in Britain

A judge granted the singer an interim order last week allowing her to take the child, but opponents claim his decision was not based on the law. They say that while Madonna was legally within her rights to fly David to Britain, she should have waited until the country's High Court had ruled on the legal challenge.

Emmie Chanika, executive director of the Civil Liberties Committee, said Madonna's actions were an example of 'one rule for the rich and one for the poor.' Malawi's law was clear that foreigners wishing to adopt had to live in the country for 18 months so they could be assessed as prospective parents.

"I am very angry," she said. "There are many people who want to adopt and they go through the proper procedure, however long that takes. People should be treated the same, whether they are rich or poor.

"Madonna has given money to orphanages here, but to me, after what has happened, this is tantamount to buying a baby. I am also deeply concerned that Madonna has chosen a child whose father is still alive. Why didn't she choose an orphan? How is that child going to feel when he grows up and knows that he was taken away in this manner?"

However David's father Yohane said he was 'ecstatic' with the news that David had finally left Malawi.

"I appealed to the self-styled lovers of David to leave my baby alone," he said. "Where were they when David didn't have milk when his mother died? Do they want him to go back to the orphanage?"

Madonna is said to have told her lawyers that they have an 'open cheque book' and must fight to the 'bitter end' to ensure baby David is not taken away from her.

She and her film-director husband flew to Malawi two weeks ago to choose a child to adopt. She fell in love with David after playing with him at the Home of Hope orphanage in Mchinji, where his father placed him after his mother Marita died a week after he was born. Two other sons died of malaria.

Despite the law on foreigners adopting Malawi children, a judge granted the star an interim order last Thursday allowing them to take him back to the UK for up to a year. But Madonna and 38-year-old Ritchie had to fly back to Britain the following day without David because he did not have a passport and he had to remain behind with members of her entourage.

Meanwhile Malawi's Human Rights Consultative Committee, an umbrella grouping of 67 non-governmental organisations, began a legal bid to overturn the interim order. They went to the High Court and will return today after the hearing was delayed by preliminaries.

It could take a week for a judge to decide whether they have a case, and if so they will then attempt to get a court order demanding David be returned to Malawi.

Although there is nothing to legally stop Madonna flying David out of the country at this point charities in the UK voiced unease at her decision.

Chris Atkins of the Transnational and Transracial Adoption Group, said it was 'hasty'. "There are issues which need to be considered and questions that need to be debated regarding people who have money and power adopting from abroad.

"This whole situation has not put inter-country adoption in a good light", she added.

He pointed out Madonna would also have to abide by the strict law in Britain governing the adoption of children from abroad.

A Malawi immigration official said at Lilongwe airport the child had been accompanied by two Britons and two Americans, one of whom listed their occupation as a nanny.

Meanwhile the star herself, who popped out for lunch but spent most the of the day at her London home, was said to be 'apoplectic' and has insisted David will be taken away over 'her dead body'. A team of lawyers are working frantically behind the scenes to resolve the crisis.

Tensions between the singer and her husband have reached boiling point, according to friends who say he wanted to take a more considered approach to the adoption. She was adamant she wanted her baby right away.

"Madonna is furious that this has happened after she has done so much for Malawi and given so much money to the country," says the source. She is said to have offered $3 million in aid.

"And she is saying that David will be taken away from her over her dead body. She has told her lawyers they have an open cheque book and instructed them to fight this to the bitter end."

As the row raged on officials in Malawi continued to insist that nothing is wrong. Penston Kilembe, Director Of Child Welfare in the Ministry of Gender, Child Welfare and Community Services insisted no laws were broken. He said Madonna had started the adoption process some time ago.

It 'was 'unrealistic' to expect a 'busy person' like Madonna to stay for 18 months in Malawi.

A spokeswoman for the star said Madonna was acting within the law by flying her son out of Malawi.

"He was issued a passport and a visa was granted earlier today which allows him to travel outside of Malawi. This interim adoption grants David's new parents temporary custody for 18 months, during which time they will be evaluated by the courts of Malawi per the tribal customs of the country.

"It is expected that the family will be reunited within the next few days."


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