Indians do not have arched feet. Most of them are what is generally called "flat footed". They do tend to walk more on the ball of the foot, however.
There is no employment on the Rez because many Indians tend to be alcoholics. Alcoholics are generally not very productive workers.
If they do not have a government handout, they will devise a way of getting drunk by drinking all sorts of stuff not normally drunk by others. Sterno, Lysol spray, Final Net and White Rain hairsprays, rubbing alcohol and other products.
White Clay, Nebraska has 22 people, and four licquor licenses. Every year they sell $4,000,000 in booze, mostly to the Indians at the Pine Ridge Reservation, where most of the people are Lakota.
Indians are genetically prone to become alcoholics. Alcohol does not affect all humans in the same way.
There are a lot of people of European extraction who drink all day, every day, and they can function just fine, or at least in a way that does not disrupt their lives. Perhaps they are alcoholics, but it does not make them useless as it does others. Italians, French and Jews seem to include a lot of people like this.
There are some Indians who can do this as well, but a much lower percentage.