Author Topic: When Does the Kathleen Willey Book Tour Media Blitz Begin?  (Read 995 times)

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When Does the Kathleen Willey Book Tour Media Blitz Begin?
« on: November 10, 2007, 03:10:21 PM »
When Does the Kathleen Willey Book Tour Media Blitz Begin?

In the past six years, any time someone wrote a tell-all book about George W. Bush or a member of his administration, they were given the royal treatment by the press with lavish interviews offering them the perfect platform to market their work as well as their politically charged opinions.

Consider for example all the attention given to Valerie Plame Wilson just recently when her book "Fair Game" was released, or the focus on George Tenet and his "At the Center of the Storm" expos? back in April.

With this in mind, if a former female White House aide published a new book implicating a former president -- whose wife just so happens to be the frontrunner for the Democrat presidential nomination in 2008 -- in rape and other possible crimes, shouldn't she be welcomed with open arms by evening television magazines like "60 Minutes" and morning shows like "Today?"

After all, given Kathleen Willey's shocking statements about her new book "Target: Caught in the Crosshairs of Bill and Hillary Clinton" to WOR radio's Steve Malzberg Thursday, one would think such programs would be all over this like white on rice, assuming of course their goal was journalism and not political activism (audio in two parts available here and here, highlights of the interview follow):

***  Michael Radutzky, who was a producer for [CBS's] Ed Bradley, had come to me with another story about intimidation of a friend of mine by the [Clinton] White House, and once they - and that's the reason, that was the original reason that I did the "60 Minutes" story [in March 1998 about having been sexually assaulted in the Oval Office by former President Clinton]. Once I did that, and told that story, they asked me about the Oval Office incident, they made the entire "60 Minutes" story about that...They told me that a former friend of mine had been intimidated with a supposedly illegal adoption of her child. And this woman had - Julie Steele, I don't know if you remember that name...Well, this woman had just gone out, I mean she, we were friends of 20 years and the day after my name came out on the Drudge Report, she sold me out to the National Enquirer for $15,000 and just started trying to make money off of everything, and saying that I had lied, asked her to lie for me about what happened in the Oval Office. So, when I was told that the reason that this was all happening was because the pressure was being brought to bear on her by the White House supposedly about her quote-unquote illegal adoption of a child from Romania, I thought, well, that explains it all. That's why this friend of 20 years has done this. And, I am outraged because no mother should be threatened with having her child taken away from her. And that's the original reason I went on "60 Minutes."...That's what I was told...[by]...the producers at "60 Minutes" that were doing all the research...They said they had information that she had been intimidated, threatened.

***[Talking about the break-in at her home on August 31] They took the manuscript [of her book]. They made it look like, a, just a burglary. My purse was missing. They had tampered with my, my computer, my, enter, my satellite, my television satellite. And I didn't realize for a while that my purse was missing. It was just a day that I didn't go out. And, then I realized that the manuscript was gone, and I knew that, that, I knew immediately what had happened...I'm sure the, the Clinton operatives were behind it. I think they were sending me a message that they were watching me, that they, that they wanted to see what's in the, I think one of the things was to try to terrify me. One purpose of the break-in. The other was to see what was in the manuscript so that they could be ready for the release date.

***I'm afraid if Hillary wins, I mean, that's one of the reasons that I write the book is, that I've written this book is, you know, for one reason to reclaim my life and to reclaim the things that were taken from me back then - my reputation, my character - you know, the attacks were brutal. Yes, am I afraid of Hillary Clinton becoming president? Absolutely.

***[On Bill and Hillary back in the White House] It would hearken back to the old days of the Clinton White House. Business as usual. He would, he would be in there. It would be just like it was before. I worked there. It was like living in Animal House. No respect for the office, no respect for the White House. It was not a pleasant experience. And I think having, having been subjected to this terror campaign and the Clintons' secret police, I think we could be looking at that all over again. I mean, this is not what our Forefathers had in mind.

***[Talking about if she thought Juanita Broaddrick was raped by Bill Clinton] 100 percent...Not one single doubt. I know her. I've talked to her. She's a friend of mine. She has told me what happened. A woman understands these things, and I have seen the fear in her eyes, and I have seen the reaction when she talks about it. You don't make these things up.
Pretty powerful stuff, wouldn't you agree? The kind that "60 Minutes," the "Today" show, and "Good Morning America" - to name a few - would normally be all over, right?

Yet, though this book release has been highly anticipated, and came out Tuesday, only Fox News has even mentioned it.

That's right. Not only hasn't Willey been interviewed by ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, or MSNBC, not one of these networks has even mentioned her book.

Not one.

By contrast, when Valerie Plame Wilson's "Fair Game" was released last month, CNN did six stories on it, MSNBC did two, NBC also did two, and CBS's "60 Minutes" did an entire segment on it with Katie Couric doing the much-publicized interview.

When George Tenet's "At the Center of the Storm" came out in April, CNN did an astonishing 24 segments about it, CBS did five including a "60 Minutes" piece, NBC also did five, MSNBC did three, and ABC did one.

Liberal media bias? What liberal media bias?


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Re: When Does the Kathleen Willey Book Tour Media Blitz Begin?
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2007, 03:27:30 PM »
She was on Hannity & Colmes Thursday.

I guess ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, and MSDNC had to book her next week.


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Re: When Does the Kathleen Willey Book Tour Media Blitz Begin?
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2007, 03:58:59 AM »
The media is so biased that it's like an arm of the Democrat Party.

If a former White House aide of Bush's wrote a book accusing him of assaulting her in the Oval Office -- as Willey is here with Clinton -- it would be all over the news. It would be the only thing on the air. You know it and I know it. It would certainly be leading 60 Minutes tomorrow night.

If the media treated the Dems the same way they do with the GOP, there would be no Democrat Party. They wouldn't be able to withstand the withering attacks Bush has had to take for the past 7 years.


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Re: When Does the Kathleen Willey Book Tour Media Blitz Begin?
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2007, 04:45:10 AM »
Your mission, if you choose to select it, it to read this book and tell us all about what it says.

You seem to have been able to hate Hilllary without reading it. Why should we bother to read it? If it has been talked about on Rush and Hannity, we already know what is has to say.

But you should read it, because you need fresh material.

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Re: When Does the Kathleen Willey Book Tour Media Blitz Begin?
« Reply #4 on: November 11, 2007, 01:20:43 PM »
"Your mission, if you choose to select it, it [sic] to read this book and tell us all about what it says."

Is that the attitude the liberal media had with Valerie Plame's book, or was she featured on the Today Show, 60 minutes and every other news program under the sun to spew her hate of Bush? 


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Re: When Does the Kathleen Willey Book Tour Media Blitz Begin?
« Reply #5 on: November 11, 2007, 04:44:31 PM »
NO one likes Juniorbush. Most Americans think he betrayed them, and would vastly appreciate it were he to run around in ever-diminishing circled, until "*pop!* he disappeared up his own asshole. That is why people who hate his guts  are attracted to interviews that lambaste him, and that brings in more viewers and therefore more ad revenues.

I am all for everyone going on a book tour and say whatever the Hell they choose.

Even you, provided that you wrote entire paragraphs of original thought rather than cutting and pasting sentences from others.

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Re: When Does the Kathleen Willey Book Tour Media Blitz Begin?
« Reply #6 on: November 11, 2007, 06:29:53 PM »
Clearly, the press supporting their favorite.

Just like they did the current favorite, Bush.

They gave Bush a pass.  They'll give his anointed successor, Hillary, one as well.


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Re: When Does the Kathleen Willey Book Tour Media Blitz Begin?
« Reply #7 on: November 11, 2007, 07:14:13 PM »

One thing one notices about the predictions regarding Hillary winning--they come from both sides.

I actually began to hear them FIRST from the Republican channels.  And like a lot of talking points, kinda all at once--a plant flood.

I have seen a dozen or so references in talk shows saying that they--the Republicans--predict Hillary because they WANT Hillary to run.

One is left to wonder--does than mean they know they have generated enough Instant Hate Impulse that will ensure her defeat?

Or does it mean that Hillary is such a player, and not a corruption reformer, like Edwards, Kucinich, Obama, et all, that it will merely mean hardly uncomfortable transitional same ole same ole?

When Obama began to speak about corruption reform, he began to fade from the Front Page immediately.  Then they--the mainstreampress editorializers--castrated him by universally suggesting that he could not be "tough."   Just as they dealt with Edwards and his haircut, reducing him to a vain simp by not writing anything about what he stands for, but instead put out "coverage" day after day plant after plant only about his haircut. 

If you want to determine who the msm wants to nominate, listen to see if the next question is a softball or one about flying saucers.

I noticed that NBC opted to have their two entrenched main Rightwingers cover the debate. 

I think the whole war that is going on in the media--the former media, the Bush toady media, and the TA (toadies anonymous) recovering media--could be en capsulated by watching NBC, and the exciting delicate balance of Chris Matthews and Keith Olberman on the one side, and Russert and that sloe-eyed faggish fellow who looks a gaunt ten years old on the other, hard Right side.

Normal logic implies that in the days to come, when debates come about, NBC will put forth journalists via equal representation to encase their objective clause.

Watch for surprises, and if it gets loaded as hell near the end, you will be to litmus the political clout triumphing currently at NBC News.