Author Topic: The better it gets in Iraq, the less we hear.  (Read 1651 times)

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The better it gets in Iraq, the less we hear.
« on: November 12, 2007, 09:52:22 PM »
Dramatic Turn For Better In Iraq (Cue Sound Of Crickets Chirping)
By INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY | Posted Monday, November 12, 2007 4:30 PM PT

When looking at media bias, it's important to realize it doesn't crop up in one area. A review of coverage in just the last few weeks shows how it infests a wide array of issues from war and foreign affairs to economics and science.

Nor is it a new phenomenon. As noted in the studies cited in the first part of this series, bias especially of the liberal variety has been with us for years, if not decades.

Over the last seven politically charged years, however, it seems to have become more blatant, as the liberal mainstream media have trained their sights on a conservative presidency.

First came charges that President Bush "stole the election" in 2000 in Florida, an assertion later debunked by a massive media study of the counting methods.

Then there's the war in Iraq, and the claim that "Bush lied, people died"  another idea that's been discredited by those who have looked at the record.

And then there's the economy. Are we in a recession? You can't be blamed for thinking so. This has been a virtual mantra of late as reporters and pundits bat "the R word" around like a beach ball at a baseball game. There's also been a lot of talk about "unfairness" and how, this time, the expansion has "left people behind."

Put it all together, and you have evidence that the media just don't want to report any good news ? at least as long as the current administration is in power.

A look at recent coverage by the media shows glaring inconsistencies between what's happening and what gets reported and emphasized:

Iraq War. Here, as the chart shows, the issue is the lack of coverage when news turns from bad to good.

The surge of 30,000 new troops that began in February and peaked in June has been followed by stunning success in Iraq.

Yet coverage of the Iraq policy debate has tailed off since midyear, when the troop buildup that was announced in January was completed.

In other words, the better the news has gotten out of Iraq, the less it's been discussed in the U.S. media.

Earlier in the year, the Iraq debate was the top story week in and week out, grabbing from 11% to 15% of coverage, according to an index compiled by the Project for Excellence in Journalism and monitoring 48 mainstream news outlets.

Over the first six months, and until the surge was in place, the Iraq debate averaged 11% of the coverage. Since then, it's averaged about 7% per week ? a decline of 36%. The second-half percentage would be even lower if not for a 36% spike in the coverage during the week of Sept. 9, when Gen. Petraeus delivered his long-anticipated progress report.

Many military analysts including some who don't support the war have concluded that the U.S. and its allies are on the verge of winning.

But unlike earlier news about Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo, alleged mistreatment of enemy combatants, supposed "assaults on civil rights" from the Patriot Act and other allegations of U.S. misconduct, the media seem strangely uninterested now.

Since 9/11, when Petraeus gave his surge testimony, a number of stories have emerged that the U.S. and its allies in Iraq's government appear to be on the verge of a stunning success.

They form an unmistakable pattern:

First, it was announced that Iraqi civilian deaths had fallen sharply. Then, it was announced that U.S. troop deaths had plunged. Then, a report emerged of literally thousands of Iraqi families returning to Baghdad to rebuild their lives.

Finally, we've heard this week that the number of suicide and other bombing attacks has fallen precipitately. And that rocket and mortar attacks have also plunged.

Few of these stories made the nation's front pages, unlike reports earlier this year of "rising violence" across Iraq.

The media have moved on, as it were, to other things ? like the credit crisis, worries of recession, the dollar and fear over the widening "income gap." In short, the bad news.

Properly reported, all of the recent news about Iraq and Afghanistan should tell informed Americans the U.S. is winning the war, and Iraq is on the verge possibly of having a strong democratic regime in place to serve as a role model across the Mideast.

Instead, we've gotten stories like this from the Associated Press, the nation's pre-eminent wire service: "2007 Is Deadliest Year For U.S. In Iraq." The story got wide play in both newspapers and on the Web.

Does it matter? Of course. Relentless negativity has an impact.

Recent IBD/TIPP polls show most Americans still don't believe the good news in Iraq. An earlier Pew poll taken immediately after Petraeus' positive testimony found 54% of Americans believed the military effort in Iraq "was not going well" and 61% thought our efforts there were either making things "worse" or having "no effect." Neither, of course, is true.

How could this be? It may well be because they neither see it in their daily newspapers, nor on the nightly TV news.

Economy. We've all heard about the subprime mortgage crisis, falling home sales and the surge in housing foreclosures, record oil prices and the falling dollar.

What you haven't likely heard is that the economy grew 3.9% in the third quarter, while inflation-dampening productivity rose a hefty 4.9%.

Despite fears of a recession, the U.S. economy has created 1.25 million nonfarm payroll jobs since the start of the year, and 8.4 million since President Bush's tax cuts were put in place in 2003.

GDP is up 18.5% since the start of Bush's presidency, or about $1.8 trillion, after accounting for inflation. That 2.6%-a-year growth includes a downturn in 2001, making it even more remarkable.

Last month, reports that the economy churned out 166,000 jobs and that joblessness remained at a below-average 4.7% brought mostly yawns from the media ? even though it contradicts much of the gloom-and-doom spiel.

What about the fearful "twin deficits" of trade and the budget? Both shrinking. The government's budget deficit has now fallen to just 1.2% of GDP, a level most economists consider to be negligible in an economy nearly $14 trillion in size.

This year, exports have jumped 12%, while imports have gone up just 4.3% ? good news related to the weak dollar that trade-worriers can't admit.

Another report released late last week by the Conference Board suggested Americans have become far better off than they think: Total U.S. discretionary income hit $1.7 trillion, or $9,148 for every man, woman and child.

The 73 million households that now have discretionary cash is up 28% from 57 million in 2002, belying the notion that it's "just the rich" who have benefited from the economic boom.

This is not to say there aren't problems. Or that they should be ignored. IBD has written about those problems ? extensively. But for four years, the good news has been routinely shunted aside for sensationalist economic coverage that does little justice to our economy.

Global warming. Americans have heard repeatedly from the media that there is a "consensus" on global warming that makes all further debate unnecessary.

In order to halt the unwanted warming of our globe, we will all have to accept radical changes to our lifestyles along with massive cuts in wealth. We may have to spend $250 billion or more a year - and even that sacrifice might not be enough.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

For our purposes, we'll stick to the assertion of a "consensus" among scientists. The facts, as usual, are far more complex than the simplistic media take most people get. There is quite a bit of agreement that, in general, the world seems to have warmed a degree or two since the mid-19th century.

There's no agreement, however, that it's human-made ? or that it's necessarily even a bad thing. Indeed, a review last summer of 539 abstracts in peer-reviewed scientific journals over the past three years found a decided shift in scientific opinion ? toward sceptism of extreme warming claims.

The review found that just 7% of the papers explicitly endorsed the notion that humans were having an impact on global warming. Even if you add in the number of those that seem to "implicitly" endorse that idea, the number rises to 45% ? not a consensus.

Fully 48% were neutral.

Earlier this year, 60 prominent scientists wrote to Canada's prime minister, questioning the science underlying current claims about warming. They wrote: "If, back in the mid-1990s, we knew what we know today about climate, Kyoto almost certainly would not exist, because we would have concluded it was not necessary.

There is, in point of fact, no "consensus" at all. Except in the minds of the media.

« Last Edit: November 12, 2007, 10:02:09 PM by ChristiansUnited4LessGvt »
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Re: The better it gets in Iraq, the less we hear.
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2007, 09:33:30 AM »
Flash! More Americans were killed and wounded in Iraq this year than in any other year.

Explain how this could possibly be "getting better".

Is the goal to get Americans killed and wounded, perhaps?

How is the war in Iraq working toward your goal for "less government"?
"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."

Michael Tee

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Re: The better it gets in Iraq, the less we hear.
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2007, 10:51:35 AM »
<<Flash! More Americans were killed and wounded in Iraq this year than in any other year.

<<Explain how this could possibly be "getting better".>>

They had a few good months, so they figured they better strike while the iron is hot.

They bar-graphed it and despite all the ups and downs, started with a month that was moderately high and ended with a very low month.  Then they connected the top of the first (fairly high) month with the bottom of the lowest month with which they ended the graph, connected the two bars with a straight black line with a down-pointing arrowhead at the far right (low) end, to indicate the whole process was going to sink off the bottom of the page. 

It's actually hilarious.  Reminds me of McNamara during the Viet Nam War, with charts and graphs out the old wazoo, village pacification charts, enemy dead charts, public opinion poll graphs, a real blizzard of charts and graphs like magical mediaeval astrological charts and the same age-old con - - we're gonna win this one, Chief, it's in the stars, oooops, uh, I mean it's in the graphs.  Oh well those numbers keep on climbing and one day the last American will be zipped into his little bag and the public will have had enough of the promises, the "turning points," the "new days" and just pull the old plug. 


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Re: The better it gets in Iraq, the less we hear.
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2007, 11:01:44 AM »
"Flash! More Americans were killed and wounded in Iraq this year than in any other year.
Explain how this could possibly be "getting better".

The surge was not fully implemented until the summer and it clearly is working.
You are using false data to make your case because you are counting deaths before the surge.
As the surge was fully implemented and began to show results deaths have fallen signifcantly and thus it is in fact "getting better".
As we see the death rate dropping dramatically in Sept, Oct, Nov as the surge pays off.

The no. 2 Democrat in the Senate Richard Durbin of Illinois conceded that the surge of American
troops has led to military progress in Iraq. Other key Democrats like Senator Clinton, Senator Carl Levin,
Senator Jack Reed have all made statements about positive signs from the surge.

Iraq War foe, Rep. Brian Baird (D - Wash.), recently returned from there a changed man.
"We are making real and tangible progress on the ground, for one, and if we withdraw, it could have
a potentially catastrophic effect on the region
", he told The Olympian newspaper.
Baird now opposes troop-retreat timetables.

After visiting Iraq last month, Rep. Jerry McNerney (D - Calif.) favors more operational flexibility for U.S. commanders.
"Im more willing to work to find a way forward to accommodate what the generals are saying", he said.

Rep. Tim Mahoney (D - Fla.) believes "the surge has really made a difference and really has gotten al-Qaeda on their heels".

Are all these Democrats lying?

U.S. Deaths By Month/Year:
Year 2007  
Jan    Feb    Mar   Apr    May   Jun     Jul    Aug    Sep     Oct    Nov   Dec
83     81     81    104    126    101     78     84       65     38     16       0
« Last Edit: November 13, 2007, 11:09:49 AM by ChristiansUnited4LessGvt »
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Re: The better it gets in Iraq, the less we hear.
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2007, 01:04:15 PM »
Amazing! There are no deaths reported at all for December 2007!

I know I am impressed.

Do you have figures on expenditures about how much the mighty surge has cost?

Are we saving money, too?  Is government shrinking as a result?
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Re: The better it gets in Iraq, the less we hear.
« Reply #5 on: November 13, 2007, 01:50:41 PM »
Amazing! There are no deaths reported at all for December 2007!I know I am impressed.

When you show a calendar year, you show all the months.
Thats usually the way it works.

Do you have figures on expenditures about how much the mighty surge has cost?

Time to change the subject once you have been proven wrong?
Frankly I don't care what the surge costs.
Thats like asking President Lincoln "oh but Mr. President how much is this battle at Gettysburg going to cost?".

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Re: The better it gets in Iraq, the less we hear.
« Reply #6 on: November 13, 2007, 02:48:31 PM »
Don't you just love it when liberals squawk about how much something costs??


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Re: The better it gets in Iraq, the less we hear.
« Reply #7 on: November 13, 2007, 10:21:20 PM »
<<Don't you just love it when liberals squawk about how much something costs??>>

Yeah, when there's no money to protect or rebuild New Orleans or provide adequate health care to Americans or fund Social Security or educate the entire population, liberals will squawk when the government that doesn't have enough money for any social welfare improvements always can find an extra half trillion to kill 100,000 Arabs and make the world safer for Israel.


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Re: The better it gets in Iraq, the less we hear.
« Reply #8 on: November 14, 2007, 02:26:46 AM »
<<Don't you just love it when liberals squawk about how much something costs??>>

Yeah, when there's no money to protect or rebuild New Orleans or provide adequate health care to Americans or fund Social Security....

WAIT.  I thought nothing was wrong with SS.  Just some RW scare tactic.  It's not??  Nice convenient flip flop     :D

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Re: The better it gets in Iraq, the less we hear.
« Reply #9 on: November 14, 2007, 06:14:33 AM »
<<Don't you just love it when liberals squawk about how much something costs??>>

Yeah, when there's no money to protect or rebuild New Orleans or provide adequate health care to Americans or fund Social Security or educate the entire population, liberals will squawk when the government that doesn't have enough money for any social welfare improvements always can find an extra half trillion to kill 100,000 Arabs and make the world safer for Israel.

What SS needs will make the expense of the war look like a raindrop to a hurrricane, there needs to be a sense of scale in these comparisons.


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Re: The better it gets in Iraq, the less we hear.
« Reply #10 on: November 14, 2007, 10:24:48 AM »

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987

Michael Tee

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Re: The better it gets in Iraq, the less we hear.
« Reply #11 on: November 14, 2007, 10:36:25 AM »
<<WAIT.  I thought nothing was wrong with SS.>>

That's because you weren't paying attention.  I don't have an opinion one way or the other about whether there WAS anything wrong with SS.  What I DID say was that any shortfall would and could be made up by taxing the rich.  It was the Republicans who are screaming that the sky is falling on SS, though they have plenty of bucks to kill poor dumb Arabs for Jesus and Israel.

<<  Just some RW scare tactic.  >>

Well, THAT you got right.

<<It's not??  Nice convenient flip flop >>

Wrong again, I'm afraid.  Nothing new there.


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Re: The better it gets in Iraq, the less we hear.
« Reply #12 on: November 14, 2007, 11:35:00 AM »
<<WAIT.  I thought nothing was wrong with SS.>>

That's because you weren't paying attention.  I don't have an opinion one way or the other about whether there WAS anything wrong with SS.  What I DID say was that any shortfall ...

What shortfall?  Are you not paying attention to your own comments??  Care to elaborate why you'd even entertain the idea there'd be any "shortfall"

"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle