<<We keep hearing the perseverating drum beat by many of the fringe left that "It's all about the oil", that Iraq's oil was THE primary reason for the risking of American lives and the loss of Iraqi civilian lives.>>
I guess to these fruit-bats, Alan Greenspan is a member of the fringe left.
<<if it's all about the oil, how WOULD have Bush/America taken control of Iraqi oil?>>
Invade country, instal puppet government that they can leave behind them.
Change the constitution by abolishing public ownership of the natural resources.
Have the puppet government enact hydrocarbons legislation that permits the government to grant oil concessions in which the concessionaire gets to keep up to 90% of the profit. [Oooops! oversimplification warning. They aren't really aiming at 90% because that is flagrantly outrageous. They put 90% in the draft, so when it finally passes with some lesser amount as the top take-home share, it can be argued that the feisty little Iraqi government valiantly fought Big Oil's 90% figure and wrestled it down to 50% which looks, on its face, to be eminently reasonable - - till it's pointed out, as the MSM never will, that under Saddam, "multinational" (i.e., U.S.) corporations didn't get ANY of that oil wealth.
Make sure that the puppets all understand that fucking with the U.S. takes many forms, and will be dealt with ruthlessly, again in the last resort by regime change if need be. One form of fucking with the U.S. would definitely be taking too "unreasonable" a line in their negotiations with Big Oil, another would be in failing to appreciate in appropriate ways that Amerikkkan Big Oil has first dibs on all the oil in Iraq and that attempts to sell to other groups would not be advisable.