<<Aren't you mixing these up? Santa Claus is not Christian programming. Neither is Rudolph. >>
Well it sure as hell ain't Jewish programming. Don't get me wrong, I love Christmas carols, Christmas dinners at our neighbours' and Christmas parties, which I used to throw myself. Complete with real aluminum office Christmas tree. But you were complaining about the lack of Christian programming on TV and how Buddhism got a better shot at the airwaves than Christianity. And honestly, I just don't see it. Especially in the week before Christmas, you see all these movies and documentaries about the life of Jesus, his "miraculous" birth, the nonstop Xmas pop music, etc. and I can't recall ONE about the Buddha.
<<And, I know of a few Jews who celebrate the season via the Santa Claus route and exchange gifts, etc. To them it is just another secular holiday.>>
We exchange gifts with Christians. That's very common. Unavoidable, actually. I don't know anybody who exchanges Christmas gifts Jew-to-Jew, so to speak. That would be considered seriously weird.