I, for one, could tolerate quite alot if the other members were articulate. What I have trouble with is name calling and similar filthy practices. I find it uncouth, unrpofessional,etc.. When that occurs very often, I find that I withdraw from here for a while as the crap factor is too much to put up with.
Perhaps it is becuase I am in academia, but I really feel folks should be able to intelligently discuss jsut about any issue, without name calling, and still walk away friends.
As only one example, Plane and I share a wife...hehe. not what you think. His ex-wife is my current wife. So what? I find his posts here to be professional, articulate and intelligent and I also find I agree with him most of the time, both politically and theologically. I have even met him, tiwce I believe, and we were coridal. Should we be uncouth to each other becuase of this unique family circumstance? No, civilized people simply do not conduct themselves in that fashion. We should always strive to rise above the muck and cogitate on truly relevant issues and ideals. Why shouldn't we extend that to debate forums such as DebateGate?