Yeah so entertaining Air America filed for Bankruptcy!
This would be because, unlike right wingers, Liberals think for themselves and do not require a daily dose of marching orders. It is also probable that the sponsors did not think that Liberals might buy fancy neckties or whatever the hell it was that they sell so damned many of to Rush's audience.
I think Franken is humorous. This does not mean that I listen to him every day, week or month.
Coulter is not funny, merely insulting, and rarely says anything worth listening to.
I suppose you will tell me that a movie that makes a lot of money is better than one that does not.
Is an Eddie Murphy Nutty Farting Professor Famly flick really better than say, "Perfume"?
It sold lots more tickets.
Financial success does not indicate the validity of the ideas being sold. Hitler actually won an election, you might recall, and people could just not get enough of those sexy armbands and jackboots.
This is not true.