Visit a lawyer. All of that can be done within the current legal scene, although it's not as simple as a marriage or civil union. In other words, it can be done, but it costs more money...
Actually Ami, before the domestic partnership law was passed here in WA 2 years ago, that's exactly what I did. With the law in place now, he is also covered by my health coverage (which is excellent btw, thank god for a union plan) and pension if I die early. Those things couldn't happen before the partnership law.
While you're right that going to a lawyer can get a person some of these benefits, they are open to challenge as well. That challenge also costs money to defend against. I realize that marriage doesn't pre-empt the right of the family to challenge the advocate (see the Schiavo case), but I think that it is generally more rare.
Excellent.......just be prepared to be labeled a bigot for daring to advocate seperate lines.
Been there, done that.