Author Topic: Obama's Pastor: "God Damn America"  (Read 17782 times)

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Re: Obama's Pastor: "God Damn America"
« Reply #75 on: March 14, 2008, 07:15:50 PM »
Like I said's Forest/Trees.  You can pick out certain quotes and claim "There's no racism there", which might be technically accurate, to THOSE specifics.  When you take the totality of his comments, and add to that his "Black Value system", and segregatory mindset, you have a racist.  He just happens to be black

There's no forest without trees.

And there are plenty of trees to be had.  Let's see how fast I'm labeled a racist for pushing a White value system.  Let's see how fast I'm labeled a racist to claiming that Blacks are the cause of all this country's ills.  Hell, Trent Lott was labeled a racist simply because he complimented an old man, who had questionable racist suggestions, decades earlier

You can pretend he's not Js, and probably would still sleep ok.  As for me, I've seen and heard plenty to recognize racist rhetoric.  Even when it's a Black racist
« Last Edit: March 14, 2008, 07:18:25 PM by sirs »
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Re: Obama's Pastor: "God Damn America"
« Reply #76 on: March 14, 2008, 07:17:52 PM »
You can pick out certain quotes and claim "There's no racism there", which might be technically accurate, to THOSE specifics.

And by the way Sirs, you picked out the quotes and said there is racism there. Not me.

Yea, the ones that had either racist rhetoric OR Anti-american rhetoric.  At no time did I claim it was ALL referencing racism  That was your flawed conclusion, not mine

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Re: Obama's Pastor: "God Damn America"
« Reply #77 on: March 14, 2008, 07:42:22 PM »
says who? The Church

No it doesn't.

says who? God

No he doesn't.
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Re: Obama's Pastor: "God Damn America"
« Reply #78 on: March 14, 2008, 07:45:41 PM »
Following Jesus is not done to make you comfortable.

Thats not a issue as far as I can see.

It a calling that is difficult and can be very painful. Christ told you that (as did Paul).

Sure, for some more difficult than others.

All know the way, but few walk it.

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Re: Obama's Pastor: "God Damn America"
« Reply #79 on: March 14, 2008, 07:55:09 PM »
Annulment is not "pretending it never happened" and the children are not considered illegitimate.
I thought you said that someone explained this to you.

It has been explained many times.
Never to my satisfaction.
If it works for you, thats great.
But for me personally it's a bunch a baloney some men made up.
I don't buy it....but I respect it for you if it works for you.

What you want is convenient Christianity.

JS really  I don't want anything.
I am quite comfortable in my own skin.
I am quite comfortable with my own spirituality.
I don't worry about it at all.
I know the way for me.
It's for me and no one else.
I am not trying to convince anyone that "my way" is their way.
IMO Each of us must find our own way.

It doesn't work that way. Christ did not call his disciples to have them reshape his ministry into something convenient for everyone. His call was very radical for the time, and is probably even more so today

see above
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Re: Obama's Pastor: "God Damn America"
« Reply #80 on: March 14, 2008, 08:02:37 PM »
Welfare is determined by a government.


It is a policy developed by the state in a similar way as prisons, roads, and a military.
Welfare economics is an invention of the 20th century, long after the time of Christ.

JS I am sorry I am not following your point.
I mean obviously you must know that many things in todays world are inventions long after Christ
but that the Bible is written in a way to give meaning to things in todays world. So it doesn't
matter when "welfare" was invented, although I would think gvts were helping some of their
citizens throughour history. It doesn't matter if welfare is a post-Christ invention it is still
a form of helping people. And many of the passages we are discussing involve "helping people".
You and I just do not agree on the best way to do it.

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Re: Obama's Pastor: "God Damn America"
« Reply #81 on: March 14, 2008, 08:09:18 PM »
Certainly, we should all have a hand in helping the poor, but it doesn't stop with just giving

Agreed a 1000 times over!

I'm not sure what your view of me has to do with anything else in this discussion.

Well I don't really mean it in a hurtful personal way if thats what you thought.
To me you are pretty typical of people that study religion and then think they
have all the answers. They think they discovered the secret! There is no secret!

As I said, it is not a competition.

Exactly, thats why I said "we all have our road to travel"
and those of us that believe.....we'll be judged.
I am ready!
Are you?

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987