Author Topic: Grandma Got Run Over By a Campaign Speech  (Read 636 times)

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Grandma Got Run Over By a Campaign Speech
« on: March 24, 2008, 12:12:00 AM »
**I just wonder how he can make a strong decision when dealing with leaders from other countries.  If he does not have the fortitude to even renounce this minister, how can he stand strong to dictators or terrorists? 
I was sort of likeing this guy until this Wright thing.  When I heard the things this "preacher" preached and sold to members, and that Obama continued to attend this church, I lost all respect.*****

The road to universal love is paved with cheap shots.

By Mona Charen

It?s a mistake to try to pigeonhole Barack Obama. He is too smart and too agile to succumb to easy categorization. But the candidate?s eloquence is often more of a curtain than a window to his soul ? and one is left to wonder where his heart truly lies. As George Burns said of acting, ?Sincerity is everything. If you can fake that, you?ve got it made.?

Discussing his pastor, Jeremiah Wright, who asked God to ?damn? America, who called this country the ?No. 1 killer in the world,? Obama?s defense was subtle. Oh yes, he agreed, the rhetoric is ?divisive ? at a time when we need unity? and reflects ?profoundly distorted views of this country? that ?rightly offend both white and black.? But there?s so much more to the man. He serves his community, housing the homeless, ministering to the needy, serving those with HIV/AIDS, and so forth. He brought Obama to Christianity. And Obama can no more ?disown him than he can disown the black community? and no more disown him than he can disown his own white grandmother.

Obama?s white grandmother, according to the account in Dreams from My Father, had once flinched before a black man on a public bus ? hoping that her husband would drive her to work the following day so that she could avoid him. On other occasions, he recounts, she had uttered ?racial or ethnic stereotypes? that made Obama ?cringe.?

This is a false equivalence. In the first place, what pastor or congregational leader does not minister to the poor and unfortunate? Pastoral work in the community is the norm, not the exception. One can say the same of Louis Farrakhan and Hamas for that matter. It doesn?t begin to excuse or justify stoking the flames of hatred and bitterness that Wright so flagrantly fired.

And wasn?t it a bit of a cheap shot to take public aim at grandmother, who sacrificed so much for Obama, who served as his surrogate mother during his high school years? If she used racial and ethnic stereotypes, that was wrong. But the episode about the bus, as related in his book, is hardly a damning indictment of a secret racist. After Obama?s grandmother confessed to having been harassed by an aggressive panhandler, Obama writes:

?He (Obama?s grandfather) turned around and I saw now that he was shaking. ?It is a big deal. It?s a big deal to me. She?s been bothered by men before. You know why she?s so scared this time? I?ll tell you why. Before you came in she told me the fella was black.? He whispered the word. ?That?s the real reason she?s bothered. And I just don?t think that?s right.?

?It was like a fist to my stomach, and I wobbled to maintain my composure.?

I don?t claim to know Obama?s grandmother and am in no position to judge her racial sentiments. But it does seem to an outsider that Obama?s judgment upon his grandmother is as harsh as his tolerance of Wright is benign. It isn?t as if he was raised in Trinity Baptist Church. He chose it as an adult. He chose those sermons he now calls ?incendiary? and ?inexcusable.? He says now that Wright misses the dynamism of American society, yet when it came time to decide where his daughters would attend church, he chose Trinity, where they would ?learn? that the U.S. government concocted the AIDS virus to wipe out the African-American population, that the U.S. would ?plant? WMDs in Iraq, and that blacks harming other blacks are ?fighting the wrong enemy.? A beautifully delivered speech cannot overcome that history.

The solution, Obama asserts, to racial divisiveness, is to come together and say ?Not this time.? This time ?we want to talk about ?the crumbling schools ... to reject the cynicism that tells us that these kids can?t learn; that those kids who don?t look like us are somebody else?s problem.? This time, in other words, we can demonstrate our racial bona fides by, you guessed it, voting for Obama for president.

Barack is the new kid on the block, but surely he can recall the campaign of 2000. One of the candidates that year made education reform a keystone of his effort, more or less explicitly aiming at minority kids. He called his package No Child Left Behind and denounced the ?soft bigotry of low expectations.? One doesn?t expect Obama, a very liberal Democrat, to endorse George W. Bush?s programs. But it would be nice if he were not suggesting that by voting for something very similar, we are taking a bold step toward racial reconciliation and universal love.



National Review Online -


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Re: Grandma Got Run Over By a Campaign Speech
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2008, 12:14:12 AM »

Where the heck have you been, and how have you been?


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Re: Grandma Got Run Over By a Campaign Speech
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2008, 12:34:49 AM »
Just busier than ever.  The office in my home became a storage area and the enjoyment of sitting down and viewing and debating became less enjoyable.
My son has moved on to independent living and I now have a room I am remodeling to take the place of the office.
My time is still pretty limited because between college and work, there is not much time left.
How are you?


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Re: Grandma Got Run Over By a Campaign Speech
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2008, 12:43:04 AM »
The kids grow quickly, don't they.


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Re: Grandma Got Run Over By a Campaign Speech
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2008, 12:50:07 AM »
Yes, in fact the baby is now 18 and in college as well.  She is aging me far to fast.  I know that I was never as brain damaged a she is.


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Re: Grandma Got Run Over By a Campaign Speech
« Reply #5 on: March 24, 2008, 01:05:02 AM »
Probably a result of that spawn of satan cat of yours.

here's a clip of my grandkid.


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Re: Grandma Got Run Over By a Campaign Speech
« Reply #6 on: March 24, 2008, 01:09:05 AM »
That is about the cutest little guy I have ever seen.  I am sure you are not proud.


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Re: Grandma Got Run Over By a Campaign Speech
« Reply #7 on: March 24, 2008, 01:14:21 AM »
Wish i could spend a bit more time with the little booger. His dad is in the Navy stationed in Sicily.


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Re: Grandma Got Run Over By a Campaign Speech
« Reply #8 on: March 24, 2008, 02:18:00 AM »
MISS KIM !!!!!    Man, I've missed the living daylights out of you    :)
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle