Author Topic: I'm glad that I don't live in Hartford  (Read 1190 times)

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I'm glad that I don't live in Hartford
« on: June 05, 2008, 05:47:50 PM »
This is appalling.

Video shows bystanders ignoring hit-and-run victim By STEPHEN SINGER, Associated Press Writer
54 minutes ago

HARTFORD, Conn. - A 78-year-old man is tossed like a rag doll by a hit-and-run driver and lies motionless on a busy city street as car after car goes by. Pedestrians gawk but do nothing. One driver stops briefly but then pulls back into traffic. A man on a scooter slowly circles the victim before zipping away.
The chilling scene ? captured on video by a streetlight surveillance camera ? has touched off a round of soul-searching in Hartford, with the capital city's biggest newspaper blaring "SO INHUMANE" on the front page and the police chief lamenting: "We no longer have a moral compass."

"We have no regard for each other," said Chief Daryl Roberts, who released the video this week in hopes of making an arrest in the daylight accident last Friday that left Angel Arce Torres in critical condition.

The hit-and-run took place about 5:45 p.m. in a working-class neighborhood close to downtown in this city of 125,000.

In the video, Torres walks in the two-way street just blocks from the state Capitol after buying milk at a grocery. A tan Toyota and a dark Honda that is apparently chasing it cross the center line, and Torres is struck by the Honda. Both cars then dart down a side street.

Several cars pass Torres as a few people stare from the sidewalk. Some approach Torres, but most stay put until a police cruiser responding to an unrelated call arrives on the scene after about a minute and a half.

The police chief told The Hartford Courant that he was unsure whether anyone called 911.

"Like a dog they left him there," said a disgusted Jose Cordero, 37, who was with friends Thursday not far from where Torres was struck. Robert Luna, who works at a store nearby, said: "Nobody did nothing."

One witness, Bryant Hayre, told the Courant he didn't feel comfortable helping Torres, who he said was bleeding and conscious.

The accident ? and bystanders' callousness ? dominated morning radio talk shows.

"It was one of the most despicable things I've seen by one human being to another," the Rev. Henry Brown, a community activist, said in an interview. "I don't understand the mind-set anymore. It's kind of mind-boggling. We're supposed to help each other. You see somebody fall, you want to offer a helping hand."

The victim's son, Angel Arce, begged the public for help in finding the driver. "My father is fighting for his life," he said.

The hit-and-run is the second violent crime to shock Hartford this week. On Monday, former Deputy Mayor Nicholas Carbone, 71, was beaten and robbed while walking to breakfast. He remains hospitalized and faces brain surgery.

"There was a time they would have helped that man across the street. Now they mug and assault him," police chief said. "Anything goes."

Councilman Matthew Ritter said police can do only so much.

"The citizens are the city," he said. "Everybody has a part to play. Call 911 and reach out."



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Re: I'm glad that I don't live in Hartford
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2008, 05:52:40 PM »
The number of people present seems to divide the responsibility felt, each one thinking that there must be  in this large croud someone better qualified or with less to do .


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Re: I'm glad that I don't live in Hartford
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2008, 06:00:27 PM »
The number of people present seems to divide the responsibility felt, each one thinking that there must be  in this large croud someone better qualified or with less to do .

I can understand the logic in that, although it is disheartening, nonetheless.  The cop in the article didn't know if anyone had called 911, no effort was made by the numerous citizens to get the license plates of the cars involved.  A man gets hit by a car and is lying in the street, and you just watch?

Logic aside, that's sickening.


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Re: I'm glad that I don't live in Hartford
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2008, 07:05:29 PM »
Not long after I moved to Maryland, I saw a car broken down on the side of the interstate, looked like one adult and one or two children in the car. It had just started snowing heavily, so I pulled over to see if I could help, and before I could get out of my car, I saw police lights in my rear view mirror. The police officer gave me a ticket for stopping on an interstate (which is illegal if YOUR car does not have a problem) and chewed me out.

The judge gave a 6 month "probation before judgment" and I only had to pay court costs.

Needless to say, I never stopped to help anyone else while I lived in the DC area.
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Re: I'm glad that I don't live in Hartford
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2008, 07:13:51 PM »
I had a similar experience Ami, driving home from work in Bellingham one evening I saw an old, beat up car with a woman and three screaming kids alongside I-5, which is two lanes there, so I stopped to help.  The problem was a busted belt which made her run the car without charging the alternator until it died.  I had a belt repair kit in the trunk, so I fixed the belt and was in the process of jumping her car when one of the State of Washington's finest (State Patrol) pulled over and pretty much reamed me out for stopping.  Keep in mind that it's pouring rain, it's 45 minutes after I'd initially stopped, and she'd been waiting a half hour before I stopped.

Long story short, I had to stop myself before I got arrested, I'm soaking wet, cold, and I've got a cop who just climbed out of his nice warm cruiser telling me that what I did was stupid, dangerous, etc.  I do still stop and help people though, I realize that I may be putting myself in harms way, but I'd rather take the chance and do some good rather than drive by in my safety while another person suffers.  The same goes (with some exceptions) for hitchers.  It's ironic that the police wonder why no one helps.

Have we as a society become so frightened that we won't stop to help our fellow man because there may be some threat to ourselves?


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Re: I'm glad that I don't live in Hartford
« Reply #5 on: June 05, 2008, 08:54:32 PM »
actually this is the first I`ve heard of officier detering people from helping.
I`ve always helped folks in need.
in fact san francisco is known for people willing to turn in lost stuff when found.
I`ve gotten my house keys and paycheck returned to me in the mail.
I`ve turned in a couple of wallets myself.
lost count how many cellphones I`ve turned in.
the very idea of detering this behavoir is very repulsive to me.


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Re: I'm glad that I don't live in Hartford
« Reply #6 on: June 05, 2008, 09:01:48 PM »
I just heard that this guy is in bad shape with spinal injurys.

The people that did nothing at least didn't move him and make the injury worse.

How many people in the general population know some first aid?


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Re: I'm glad that I don't live in Hartford
« Reply #7 on: June 05, 2008, 09:11:43 PM »
I did that a few years ago
some guysjust simply passed out I stayed by to make sure nobody moved him til paramedic`s came by.
I didn`t need to do that.
I can`t tell you how many people knew to not to move him.


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Re: I'm glad that I don't live in Hartford
« Reply #8 on: June 05, 2008, 09:27:14 PM »
I did that a few years ago
some guysjust simply passed out I stayed by to make sure nobody moved him til paramedic`s came by.
I didn`t need to do that.
I can`t tell you how many people knew to not to move him.

Yes , in your job this must be important knoledge.

What can you do for someone with a possible spinal injury?


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Re: I'm glad that I don't live in Hartford
« Reply #9 on: June 05, 2008, 09:32:55 PM »
How many people in the general population know some first aid?

In high schools in Washington state, you have to pass a first aid/CPR course in order to pass your health class, a necessary credit in order to graduate.  Personally, I know several people that I work with that know first aid/CPR.  In a working class area like where this occurred, I find it hard to believe that none of the bystanders knew first aid.  I never said anything about moving the guy, anyone with any kind of first aid knows that you don't move someone unless there is some other kind of imminent threat (the car is on fire).


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Re: I'm glad that I don't live in Hartford
« Reply #10 on: June 05, 2008, 10:03:30 PM »
my training at the time was very simple make sure he can breathe and don`t let anyone move him.
if he doesn`t breathe do cpr a spinal injuries will somebody elses worry afterwards.
thier is priority on what to worry about.
timing is crucial


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Re: I'm glad that I don't live in Hartford
« Reply #11 on: June 06, 2008, 10:24:00 PM »
my training at the time was very simple make sure he can breathe and don`t let anyone move him.
if he doesn`t breathe do cpr a spinal injuries will somebody elses worry afterwards.
thier is priority on what to worry about.
timing is crucial

So someone should have at least looked him over .


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Re: I'm glad that I don't live in Hartford
« Reply #12 on: June 06, 2008, 10:53:30 PM »
So someone should have at least looked him over .

That would be my thought.

But in another aside, in this morning's paper that had more on this story.  Turns out that there were 4 phone calls to 911 within a minute of the accident, and that someone did give aid to the victim.  I'm not sure who botched this, the PD or the press.  I'm too lazy to look up the link right now but I'm pretty sure that you can find it if you want to.


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Re: I'm glad that I don't live in Hartford
« Reply #13 on: June 07, 2008, 12:00:12 AM »
my training wasn`t all that extensive .
My site doesn`t require all to have paramedic training.
and since I`m on-call it`ll be the most minimul.
and the only reason i even know CPR is because I had prior life-guard training.
strangely had more self-defense teaching than security