Author Topic: Why the Democratic Party is unfit to occupy the White House.  (Read 3590 times)

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Re: Why the Democratic Party is unfit to occupy the White House.
« Reply #30 on: June 06, 2008, 01:38:15 PM »
>>Probably because McCain doesn't have a base to shore up.  The "conservative coalition" is fractured and his only hope is the moderates and the undecideds.<<

He's only going to be elected with the support of that base. No amount of luke warm middle of the roaders and jack booted lesbians will put him over the top without the base.

>>Are you kidding?  Nothing can help him - - he's fucked.  He's a loser tied to a loser.  This is not a Republican year.  Don't you remember the last three special elections?<<

Your knowledge of the American body politic is sorely lacking, which you prove day after day in here. As for this being a democrat year, it all points to one doesn't it? But then it pointed to one in 2000 and 2004 didn't it? Now you've got the moron Dean running the democrat party and they're tearing each other appart and are about to nominate a Marxist to represent their party.

Not a Republican year?

We'll see.