White House wants tribunals in which the accused can't see the evidence against him. Because it's too classified. That would be an "irregularity" in a trial, I'd think.
We have a system of law and we're turning it upside down here. No, we have not put to death anyone (other than torture that went too far) because we have not tried ANYONE. We simply let them stay in prison.
That's just a start. I'm not going to explain the administration's desires regarding how to try these people...I couldn't if I wanted to, and many people have written about them.
from truthout:
"The proposed tribunals would largely hew to those that the Supreme Court
rejected in June. The measure says Congress would, by approving the proposed tribunals, affirm that they are constitutional and comply with international law, which the Supreme Court said they did not."
'"I do not think we can afford to again cut legal corners that will result in federal court rejection of our work," Senator Lindsey Graham, Republican of South Carolina, said."
Mr. Graham emphasized again on Wednesday that the military justice system outlined ways to allow classified evidence to be introduced without jeopardizing national security.
"I do not believe it is necessary to have trials where the accused cannot see the evidence against them," he said.
He predicted that this would make the bill vulnerable to more court challenges and that it would establish a bad precedent that could be used against American troops if other countries brought them to trial. In the bill, the administration says military laws for courts-martial were inappropriate for terrorists. To use those rules, the measure says, "would make it virtually impossible to bring terrorists to justice for their violations of the law of war."[........]