Author Topic: Tom Smith is in the hospital.  (Read 489 times)

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Tom Smith is in the hospital.
« on: July 28, 2008, 07:58:15 PM »
Starveing artists don't buy much health insurance.

Tom Smith, author of the Transylvania Polygnostic University Fight Song, has sustained a nasty injury. There's a benefit page with more information over here at the Partially Clips site so I'll keep it short and say that he can't work, and can't even stay in his home while he recovers. Plus, like many artists, he has no insurance. It's pretty rotten. To help a bit, members of the filk and dementia music communities have put together a great big collection of covers of Tom's songs. If you donate, you get access to the whole shebang in MP3 form, so it's quite the shiny deal.

Best of all, you can download one of the songs for free here and now! This is a cover of "Rich Fantasy Lives" by Vixy and Tony, free only to you, our readers. We hope you'll want to donate some money to get the rest of the collection, and to help Tom get through this. He's a good guy. Please help him out.

|| DOWNLOAD THE MP3 || (It's around 3.64MB)

(Also, as I've said before elsewhere, Rich Fantasy Lives is a song that makes me all teary. I really love it. So give it a listen!)

As always, our main news is posted on:
The Studio Foglio News Page

Tom Smith is in the hospital. Why? Click here for details.

What does this mean? It means Tom will be unable to perform at any conventions this summer, and will be racking up months of medical bills in the meantime. 

What can you do? Donate! Not only will you get a warm fuzzy feeling, you'll also get access to more than 40 covers of Tom's songs by some of the best and funniest musicians he knows! After you donate, an email will be sent to you with the location, user name and password to access all the downloadable MP3's. (The physical copy of the CD is for people who donate at shows and conventions. If  you would like a physical copy of the CD, please contact

Every single penny (except for PayPal fees) goes straight to Tom! Please donate whatever you are able to.