Iran and Iraq were ZERO threat to Americans in America. How the hell is Iran going to attack the US in North America? It isn;t.
As for Israel, that IS NOT OUR PROBLEM, any more than who runs Kashmir or Sri Kanka is not our proble,m. Other than diplomacy, we need to stay out of that one and treat both sides the same.
And yes! we need LESS military. Too much, and we get more wars.
Why do you think Sweden and Switzerland don;t run about invading other countries for the past 400 years?
Because they lack the stuff to do it with.
The US should have stayed the eff OUT of WWi. Had they done that, there would have been no Hitler and no WWII.
Diplomacy could have prevented Korea. Vietnam was a huge mistake, made possible by too many weapons and assholes like LeMay and the Dulleses a-spoiing for a fight.
This crap about how we have to be able to flatten any other nation on the planet is just a lot pf propaganda to make big bucks for the military industrial complex.
We need to ditch them, and soon.
Well, Xavier, we disagree on these points. We are not anywhere near Sweden or Suisse, first of all. Of course they don't have an army. Switzerland is the soft spot of the nations'brain since the beginning of time

You really think that we should not have entered WW1? Hmmm, and that if we hadn't Hitler would not have taken over Germany and millions of Jews would be alive today?? ok , well, you must know more about the history of war than I.
I know you know mroe about history, but common sense is not in your thread of thinking, with all due respect, X0.
We can not go unprotected in this world today...because too many nations really do not like us. Iran doesn't like think they wouldn't step right into a conflict against us? Think again. Maybe not the way it is now, but I wouldn't trust them as far as I could throw them. Conflict is conflict. War isn't popular. But, it can be an ugly reality. I maintain that we should not have invaded Iraq. I agree with you hold heartedly there.....It's the "other guy" we need to be very careful that we do not take for granted. The fact that war has been a part of life for too long ( I admit)....doesn't mean that we should throw away the guns and fight with fists.
Would we drive a car without seatbelts because we know our driving record is spotless? No. It's the OTHER GUY who's record aint so spotless and we are dead in the impact.
Safety and protection must be a part of all life....sadly, war has been a part of that. Al Pacino...."They just pull me right back in". That is reality.