<<Harvard grads are over-rated - - Harvard teachers are way way way over-rated and truly incapable of doing anything other than pretend to be important to a bunch of rich spoiled kids.>>
Ha ha ha. This is hilarious. A quick check of Harvard Law School grads indicates five sitting justices of the Supreme Court of the United States of America, 18 governors of American states, plus Senators, Federal judges, etc. Two former premiers of the Canadian Provinces of Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia, a former Solicitor-General of Canada, and more stuff than I can fill in here. Of course, they were all taught by morons. Anyway, I am very impressed by your opinions of Harvard grads and Professors. You sound like a man who really knows what he is talking about, so I thank you very much for your opinion.
<<You likely don't live in the real world . . . >>
I guess that would depend on how you would define the real world. I live in Canada with my wife, south of the Laurentian Shield, in a nice house with a beautiful swimming pool in the back yard surrounded by trees, shrubs and flowers, where we raised our three children and now play with our grandchildren when they visit. Our back yard is visited and sometimes inhabited by rabbits, raccoons, skunks, groundhogs, chipmunks, squirrels and all kinds of birds, sometimes including waterfowl who land on the pool and once on the tarp over the pool when it had collected a lot of water. I would be really sorry to find out this is not the real world, but if it's a dream, I hope it's one I never wake up from.
<< . . . and that is why all these excellent points go over your head. >>
Uh, you don't HAVE any "excellent points" to make. Frankly, I've rarely if ever read such fucked-up nonsense as the stuff that comes from you and the Hallelujah Chorus of right-wing nutjobs that inhabit this forum. I'd have to turn to the columns of Charles Krauthammer or Michelle Malkin or the editorial page of the Wall Street Journal to find such unadulterated nonsense as I regularly find here.
<<Factually speaking I am very sure that you would not make it in the real world. >>
Well, I hate to break it to you, but I already have. I married the girl I fell in love with in university, we have three lovely kids, all of whom are now married off, two of whom have kids of their own, all of whom have their Master's degrees and one of whom is about to receive a Ph.D. All three have great jobs and wonderful spouses. I could probably have a lot more money than what I now have, but I couldn't possibly be happier and the dough I do have gets me through from one day to the next and has allowed me to fulfill all but two (Japan and India) of our major travel ambitions, including six trips to France. I learned a few languages and am studying some more now. Nobody's had to take up a collection for me, if that's what you were getting at. This IS the real world, my friend. If you get half of what I got out of it, you will be a very lucky man.
<<Most university teachers can pontificate all day long really about nothing or maybe theory but when the rubber meets the road they are lost and useless. >>
Maybe you don't know the difference, but Obama was not a "university teacher," he was a Professor of Constitutional Law. That's for sure a subject you never understood, let alone studied, so how you can think you know that they "pontificate all day long" is something of a mystery to me. Anyway, most law professors haven't "pontificated" since the 19th century, the Socratic method having been their preferred method of instruction since then. That probably went right over your head, since you have no idea what "pontificating" or "Socratic method" means and you probably are too fucking lazy to look them up, but that's OK too.
<<Now I'm sure you will argue with me till your blue in the face but frankly I have no time for people that are out of touch with reality.>>
Well, I'm not really arguing with you, I just see a whole pile of sheer stupidity on my screen, and I answer it because I'm reasonably certain that somebody on the other side will read my answer. Doesn't have to be you. It's more like an exercise than an argument. You say something really stupid, I knock it down. Over and over. It's fun (or therapy) and it's good mental exercise. This is really a strange kind of existence - - arguments appear on a screen, an answer is typed back to the screen and two human beings trade thoughts (and insults) without ever knowing one another. I dunno, maybe we're both "out of touch with reality" -- no, we're not talking to the walls, but we're talking to screens with our fingertips. And the screens answer us. How "real" is that?