Author Topic: Oh And another thing about Bail out Basic I  (Read 533 times)

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Oh And another thing about Bail out Basic I
« on: September 26, 2008, 11:18:38 AM »
I posted (*below) which is so brilliangt that I wanted that Bush should start the MainStreet bailout immediately. I f he strikes now HE and his Mc\Lackey can take some of the credit. If he allows big O to come up with the idea, it will look like he has taken O lead just as he has in international affairs. He can use the remnants of FNM and FRD to immediately start processing the loans. To kill any complaint that he is bailing speculators, he should insist that 80%of the  profit made on the home from where the current loan is made goes to the US Guvmint.
So there  :P

It could go either way for Obama. The great noise machine could paint McCain as a self serving opportunist who pooched the deal, and then had to fix what he broke. Ignorant Schmuck that he is.

But let's put partisan bullshit aside for a minute.

There is lot of talk about rescuing Main Street too.

Primarily by either freezing foreclosures or restructuring mortgages so that homeowners are no longer upside down on their loans.

And this could be because they got into subprime loans, or were flippers who got in over their heads or refinanced regularly in effect using their house as a piggy bank.

Should these people be bailed out and in the process bail out the predatory lenders who enabled them?

McSameastheBusgidiot is an ignorant schmuck equal or worse than the Bushidiot himself

The answer to your main question is a resounding yes. It is what should have been proposed in the first place and definitely what big O should say when he is by himself tonight on stage in MS.
Bush wanted a money grab for the big kids as he always does and was doomed to failure because no one with any brains believes him anymore. If we bail out the little folk we are starting from the bottom up which is infinitely better. It will accomplish the same with the banks but really help people and therefore the economy. I know your ilk will say "but we are bailing out a few speculators too. Well SFW. Not only was this country built on  speculation, the banks were the biggest speculators of all , but were doin it with their depositors money. At least most of the Fflippers " and outright speculators had some of their capital at risk. And they patriotically spent what money they made on other goodies just like their retarded Pres said to.