Author Topic: Rosenbergs: Still Guilty After All These Years  (Read 7500 times)

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Re: Rosenbergs: Still Guilty After All These Years
« Reply #30 on: September 25, 2008, 01:31:13 AM »
Stay as dumb as you like, ain't my problem.

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Re: Rosenbergs: Still Guilty After All These Years
« Reply #31 on: September 25, 2008, 09:42:01 AM »
<<More ,much much more.[was Russia more or less endangered once they broke the U.S. nuke monopoly?]

<<For the majority of my life every major military instalition in the Soviet Union was constantly being aimed at by SAC with aircraft and missles ready to deliver destruction wholesale on a moments notice.

<<How did asking for this situation improve the safety of any Soviet Citizen?>>

History would have unfolded differently had the U.S. retained its nuclear monopoly.  Under nuclear blackmail, the U.S.S.R. would have been forced back from the defensive positions it held in Eastern Europe much earlier, anti-Soviet guerrilla forces could have been sponsored and armed more lavishly and openly in the Ukraine and Russia itself and the Red Army much more limited in its ability to respond to fascist uprisings such as the Hungarian situation of 1956.  The choices facing the U.S.S.R. ultimately would have been submission or anihilation.


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Re: Rosenbergs: Still Guilty After All These Years
« Reply #32 on: September 25, 2008, 10:00:36 AM »
Stay as dumb as you like, ain't my problem.

You made the claim. Educate me. Otherwise I'll just go on thinking you're full of shit, as usual.

When did the US, Canada, Australia, Argentina, Spain or Italy ever invade Russia? Or, for that matter, since you said since the Russian civil war, any of them, with the exception of Germany.

Or did your alligator mouth overload your hummingbird ass again?
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Re: Rosenbergs: Still Guilty After All These Years
« Reply #33 on: September 25, 2008, 10:53:03 AM »
<<You made the claim. Educate me. Otherwise I'll just go on thinking you're full of shit, as usual.>>

But I'll get over it.

<<When did the US, Canada, Australia, Argentina, Spain or Italy ever invade Russia? >>

US, Canada, Australia, France, England, Poland and the Czech Legion:  in the Russian Civil War.

Argentina, Spain, Ital:  WWII; Argentina and Spain with "volunteer" legions.

<<Or, for that matter, since you said since the Russian civil war>>

Since the beginning of the Russian Civil War.

 <<any of them, with the exception of Germany.>>

Surprise!!!  He knows about Germany!

<<Or did your alligator mouth overload your hummingbird ass again?>.

Nothing as dramatic as that, just my standard-issue homo sapiens brain against the end result of ten generations of hillbilly inbreeding.


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Re: Rosenbergs: Still Guilty After All These Years
« Reply #34 on: September 25, 2008, 12:12:41 PM »
So now I'm the result of inbreeding?

BTW, you said "From a country which since the Russian Civil War...", not " From a country which since the beginning of the Russian Civil War..." We can read up in hill country.

I'll see what I can dig up, but since you haven't posted any links, it may be a while. Or never, depending on how I decide I feel about you trying to get me to research your claim. And, well, there's that hillbilly inbreeding crack. Not very original, but about what I'd expect from you, though.
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Michael Tee

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Re: Rosenbergs: Still Guilty After All These Years
« Reply #35 on: September 25, 2008, 01:12:50 PM »
<<And, well, there's that hillbilly inbreeding crack. Not very original, but about what I'd expect from you, though.>>

It was in response to the "alligator mouth, hummingbird ass" and wasn't intended to give offence.   Sometimes I apologize for inadvertently offending someone but in your case, given the ample preceding provocation, which I had more or less managed to overlook, "Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke" is the closest you're gonna get.  Stop whining.


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Re: Rosenbergs: Still Guilty After All These Years
« Reply #36 on: September 25, 2008, 01:44:46 PM »
Considering the 'fuck you' and calling me 'fucking ignorant', I'd say you got off easy. If you want to roll out the big guns, I can get as foul mouthed as anyone in here. Are you gonna pony up some references, or should I still figure you're full of crap?
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Re: Rosenbergs: Still Guilty After All These Years
« Reply #37 on: September 25, 2008, 03:28:42 PM »
"Fuck you" and "fucking ignorant" were in direct response to this:  <<You bore me to tears with your Communist bullshit and America is always wrong crap. Now provide examples.>>  You have to speak more respectfully to people if you want their respect in return.  That "now provide examples" was the last straw.  I'm nobody's high school history teacher.  I'm happy to share what little I know with anyone who asks politely but I'll be fucked if I respond politely to a demand like that.

What I alluded to is fairly common knowledge to anyone who knows even a little bit about Russia, so I've never had to look it up on the net; however, I did give you my best guess as to where you'd be likely to find it and frankly I don't give a shit if you look it up or not.  You're probably better off not overtaxing that overtasked brain of yours with the strain of Googling and reverting to your original conclusion that I'm full of crap.  I'll try to live with the hurt.


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Re: Rosenbergs: Still Guilty After All These Years
« Reply #38 on: September 25, 2008, 04:40:51 PM »
<<So  when is Finland going to get its eastern countys back?>>

'bout the same time Mexico gets back California.

So it is OK for an agressor to reap the fruits of its agression , as long as it happened before 1939 and a half.


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Re: Rosenbergs: Still Guilty After All These Years
« Reply #39 on: September 25, 2008, 04:45:06 PM »
If you want respect, you might try toning down some of your rhetoric. I, and I'm sure others, get tired of having our country slandered every time you sit down to your keyboard. As far as I'm concerned, I'm glad I live in a country where there is a choice, albeit a poor one, about who governs, and where we don't have to invade and subjugate our neighbors and use the excuse we're just doing it for a buffer. Where I don't have to stand in line for toilet paper while the party bigwigs shop at a special store. Where we don't have to kill off millions of our own citizens because they don't agree with the party line, or send them to labor camps. If you like Russia so much, maybe you should move there for a couple of years. I hear you can practically jump across the border from Palin's house.

Still no evidence of any American, English, etc etc invasion of Russia, eh? Ah, well. I didn't think so. I'm sure it would have made the news.
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Michael Tee

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Re: Rosenbergs: Still Guilty After All These Years
« Reply #40 on: September 25, 2008, 06:32:17 PM »
<<If you want respect, you might try toning down some of your rhetoric. I, and I'm sure others, get tired of having our country slandered every time you sit down to your keyboard. >>

I'm doing you a big favour.  Your non-stop brainwashing has resulted in a grossly inflated view of the virtues and benevolence of your country which is apparent in just about every right-wing poster on this board.  I've never seen such ridiculously grotesque versions of America's role in the world, the good that it's done, the wonders of life in America as I've seen since I began posting on this board.  The little I can do to counter-balance the lifetime load of bullshit that has been crammed into your swollen heads doesn't go far enough by a long-shot, but you ought to be God-damn grateful for whatever realism I am able to inject into these discussions.

<<I, and I'm sure others, get tired of having our country slandered every time you sit down to your keyboard. >>

Not one-tenth as tired as I get hearing how wonderful and benevolent you all are even as the slaughter and rape of Iraq proceeds to completion and the intervals between air-raids on peaceful Afghan wedding parties grow shorter every week.

<<As far as I'm concerned, I'm glad I live in a country where there is a choice, albeit a poor one, about who governs . . . >>

That is so deluded and ridiculous that it's not even worth a comment.

<< . . . and where we don't have to invade and subjugate our neighbors and use the excuse we're just doing it for a buffer. >>

Well, it's pretty hard to claim it's a buffer when it borders on the Persian Gulf. 

<<Where I don't have to stand in line for toilet paper while the party bigwigs shop at a special store. >>

Toilet paper, take all you want.  47 million Americans are waiting for charity medical care while their legislators enjoy one of the best plans in the country.  But I guess it's OK long as they don't have to wipe their ass on their sleeve.

<<Where we don't have to kill off millions of our own citizens because they don't agree with the party line, or send them to labor camps. >>

Different problems require different solutions.  Your country was founded on the genocide of the Indians and the enslavement of the blacks.  Now you want to pose as great humanitarians.  Do you really think you are fooling me or anyone else who reads your nationalistic crypto-fascist bullshit?

<< If you like Russia so much, maybe you should move there for a couple of years. I hear you can practically jump across the border from Palin's house.>>

I don't have to jump across the border from Palin's house, I lived in a two-bedroom apartment in Moscow for three weeks.  It's a great city to live in.  The biggest tragedy they've had to face since the end of the war is the loss of communism.

<<Still no evidence of any American, English, etc etc invasion of Russia, eh? Ah, well. I didn't think so. I'm sure it would have made the news.>>

Give it a rest.  It never happened.  I made it all up.  I'm a bullshit artist who knows nothing about Russia and you are a fucking genius.  Go read some more anti-Soviet propaganda about all the "millions" of people slaughtered by the Bolsheviks, genius.  THAT, you won't have any trouble finding on the web.


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Re: Rosenbergs: Still Guilty After All These Years
« Reply #41 on: September 25, 2008, 09:14:42 PM »
I'm doing you a big favour.

Sure you are. I'm sure 'inbred hillbilly' is just a normal greeting where you come from. And all the other insults are what?

I'll let you in on a little secret, I'm hip to the whole Indian genocide and the slavery thing. I'm nearly half Indian, Cherokee and Apache, and I've read the histories of this country from both sides. I've travelled throughout Europe, Africa, Asia, the middle east, the far east, Russia, east Germany (when there was such a thing) - in fact, a host of countries on every continent except Antarctica. I know we have problems in this country, and I know our history much better than you give me credit for. I live here, remember? And I'll tell you something, with all the problems we face and all the bullshit we have to put up with here, there isn't anyplace I'd rather be. Maybe you should look in the mirror to see who's been getting the brainwashing. It ain't me. I'm probably the best educated redneck hillbilly bastid you'll ever come across, and it didn't all come from schoolbooks. So you can quit trying to do me any favors. The kind of education you got, I don't want.
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Re: Rosenbergs: Still Guilty After All These Years
« Reply #42 on: September 25, 2008, 11:29:07 PM »
<<I'm sure 'inbred hillbilly' is just a normal greeting where you come from.>>

It's about as normal as "Alligator mouth" and "hummingbird ass" and if you want to start a conversation with that kind of greeting again, you'll at least know what kind of response to expect.  Stop playing the injured victim when you yourself are the initiator and stop whining about such trivial bullshit, you're really wasting my time and yours.

<<I'll let you in on a little secret, I'm hip to the whole Indian genocide and the slavery thing. I'm nearly half Indian, Cherokee and Apache, and I've read the histories of this country from b . . . >>

Well, here's a little secret for you - - your posts were never a big part of the problem, others were much more extravagant in their unrestrained boasting of the alleged virtues of your country and it was for them that my more, uh, realistic, depictions of the U.S. and its military were formulated.  But you better get used to them - - as long as I hear the kind of extravagant bullshit that our right-wing members are prone to use in their praise of God's country, you're going to hear the other side of the coin from me, whether you like it or not.  And I love communism - - so if you are pissed off whenever you hear the U.S. being run down, tough shit - - I feel the same every time I have to suffer through some anti-Communist, anti-Soviet bullshit rant.

<<The kind of education you got, I don't want.>>

Who gives a shit?  I'm still doing you a favour.  You're too fucking brainwashed to know what the fuck you want.  I'm having fun.  It's like postering, only easier.  One day things will shift into a higher gear, but that's a long way ahead.


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Re: Rosenbergs: Still Guilty After All These Years
« Reply #43 on: September 26, 2008, 12:49:20 AM »
You're too fucking brainwashed to know what the fuck you want.

You're as bad as Sirs if you think you know my mind. How is it you figure you know what I want from hundreds of miles away, having never met me? You don't, and you're a fool to think you do. I know exactly what I want. What you have to sell ain't it.

Get back to me when you can provide some references. Otherwise you can peddle your crap to someone else.
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Re: Rosenbergs: Still Guilty After All These Years
« Reply #44 on: September 26, 2008, 01:17:43 AM »
<<You're as bad as Sirs if you think you know my mind. How is it you figure you know what I want from hundreds of miles away, having never met me? >>

I can read you like a book.  You don't know shit about communism and your opinions about how good or bad it is are intrinsically worthless.  However you would not want to live under communism and that's due more to you being who you are than to any knowledge on your part as to what it would be like. 

<<You don't [know what I want] and you're a fool to think you do. >>

It wouldn't take me long to figure out what you want, it just isn't worth the effort.  There is no question that you have been heavily brainwashed.

<<I know exactly what I want. >>

A statement which is only partially true.  It isn't worth the effort to figure out what part of it is true and what part of it false.

<<What you have to sell ain't it.>>

You don't know what I have to sell, so that opinion is also worthless, although it is correct that you would not like to live under communism.  You would likely be among the (hopefully small)  minority of people disadvantaged by the system.  Whether communism suits you or not is not a valid yardstick for measuring its ultimate worth.  It is for the salvation of the labouring masses, not of the anti-social individualists and careerists among them.

<<Get back to me when you can provide some references. >>

You've got all the references you're gonna get from me.  Whether you ever bestir yourself to do anything with them is entirely up to you.  Find somebody else dumb enough to take up your education as their business.

<<Otherwise you can peddle your crap to someone else>>

YOU are the one repeatedly pestering ME for references - - I am not "peddling" anything to you.  I don't give a shit whether you accept my facts or not.  Either way, you can bet your ass I'll sleep just as soundly.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2008, 01:33:18 AM by Michael Tee »