>>Palin's personal ambition trumps her desire to do the job she was elected to in Alaska.<<
Does anyone else see the problem with this? I suppose personal ambition is only a bad thing when a Republican displays it. When Mrs. Clinton does it, it’s admirable. When Bill Clinton shows ambition for thirty years he’s admired by his sycophants. Then there’s the long list of failed democrat presidents and failed democrat nominees who at one time where Governors who were rejected by America. Those people weren’t ambitious. Well, they were, but they were just fools who’s twisted view of the world was laughed out of the voting booth.
>>Do Alaskans a favor. Vote for Obama and let her finish her job.<<
Does it occur to anyone that Alaska is doing the rest of us a favor by presenting a fresh, out of the beltway face, into what has become the toxic dump of Washington? If the left had their way the only people who would run this country would come from the East or West coast where they sit at bars drinking $14 martini’s and discussing how the rest of the country is made up of rednecks who cling to their religion and guns and hate anyone who’s different. The irony is that it’s these effeminate snobs who hate anyone who is different and will do anything to silence them. That’s what will happen if Obama wins. But only for while.
>>No party has ever screwed up more than the GOP when they nominated Juniorbush and ran hios sorry stubborn lying warmongering ass twice. They had their chance to nominate McCain, Now he is too old. Palin would be a disaster as president.<<
Shall we list some names? Jimma Carter comes to mind. Has there every been a bigger failure that ole Jimma? Double digit inflation. 18 percent interest rates. Gas lines. A foreign policy that made us the worlds fool. That’s what you’ll get with Obama. Russia is primed and ready for the day Barry takes office. Terrorists endorse Obama. Oh, and then there’s Bill Clinton. Now there’s a fine example of an America president. A serial liar, adulterer, and rapist. That’s someone the left can really look up to. The man never did a thing for his country. Everything he ever did was for himself. Another democrat president who made America look weak and foolish. But hey, it was just about a blowjob … right. If that makes you feel better.
I’d go on, but these are the only two democrats America was foolish enough to elect in the past 50 years. If you really are worried about who the vice president will be, I suggest you take a look at the buffoon Obama picked and ask yourself if a man like that would be better than a woman who could be a friend of yours. A woman you can respect. Not some career politician who makes a fool of himself every time he opens his mouth. A man who is racist at his core and power hungry enough to ignore it for a chance at power.
>>End this war. End financial incompetence. End Republican rule, because it SUCKS.<<
Yeas, end the war. Win it. Don’t be taken in by the lies and scandal the left peddles. In the end it’s all they have. They offer nothing they haven’t offered before. More hate, more class envy, more weakness and deceit. John McCain wasn’t my favorite. But he’s an honest man. He puts his country first wether I agree with his every action or not. I can honestly say I believe he thinks he’s doing the right thing. Obama, like Clinton, like all democrats, doesn’t do anything unless he thinks of himself first. It’s why he spent 20 years in a church that preached hate for White people and hate for America. It’s why he went to a terrorist for advice and council. It’s why he lives in Hyde Park and got a loan from a thief in order to live there.
Democrats haven’t changed. It’s not in them. They’ve been the same since Carter. Bitter, hateful and seeking power to fill the emptiness that drives them.
Vote for McCain.
Country first.