Author Topic: Ayers Prosecutor Calls "BS" on Obama Connection  (Read 4657 times)

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Re: Ayers Prosecutor Calls "BS" on Obama Connection
« Reply #45 on: October 12, 2008, 05:20:34 PM »
>>Wanna try again?<<

It's amazing how you two have created some sort of parallel dimension here in 3DHS. 3/4 quarters of your posts are either directly insulting to the poster or to the United States of America. Now you may not give a damn about Canada, and I can understand why, but we Americans (not including democrats of course) take offense at the kinds of things you say. XO, well, he's just a lonely old man who hates the world, but he can't go an hour without running through the room throwing shit on the walls. I've got two pagers of his crap saved for just an occasion. You want to see it?

But hey, it's me. It must be, because I can't edit a post.


Michael Tee

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Re: Ayers Prosecutor Calls "BS" on Obama Connection
« Reply #46 on: October 12, 2008, 07:18:04 PM »
<<It's amazing how you two have created some sort of parallel dimension here in 3DHS. >>

Well, somebody has to paint an alternative to the sugar-coated America the Beautiful picture that the MSM created and some of you guys seem to have swallowed holus-bolus.  America is hated all over the world and some of you don't have the faintest idea why.

<<3/4 quarters of your posts are either directly insulting to the poster . . . >>

Take out the insults directed to the poster that are simply retaliation in kind to an initial insult from the poster and that 3/4 will dwindle down to about 5% or less.

<< . . . or to the United States of America. >>

Sorry, I thought this was a no-holds-barred discussion group.  Since when did the U.S.A. become a sacred cow?  It's done a lot of really shitty things in the world for which it richly deserves every insult directed at it.   It's no sacred cow, believe me.  It's the greatest single threat to peace in the whole world and it's killed millions of innocents since the end of WWII in the pursuit of its nefarious goals.  Now it's the leading defender of torture today and the leading violator of the Geneva Convention on the Treatment of Prisoners. 

Yes my posts WILL be "directly insulting . . . to the United States of America."  It's what I feel and what I believe.  Deal with it.  If you wanted to explore the subject, look into it, exchange your thoughts with mine over it, you might learn something about the world you live in.  If you don't, that  is too fucking bad.  We both will lose out on an opportunity to glean something from an opposing POV.

If I wanted to tally up the number of insults directed by you and other crypto-fascists at "Islamofascists," Muslims, Arabs, Iranians, Communists, the French, homosexuals, liberals and Democrats, it would DWARF anything I've ever said or XO ever said that you consider to be insulting to individuals or to the U.S.A.  Get real.  If you want to point fingers, go look in the mirror first.

<<But hey, it's me. It must be, because I can't edit a post.>>

STILL?  That's not up to me, but BT, wuzzup wid dis? Why CAN'T Rich edit his posts?  That's not fair.  And once again, I voice my objection to any censorship except for threatening death or bodily harm or advocating harrassment.  As an alternative to banning, may I throw out the possibility of a "censure" motion, an instant poll where the members are required to post a vote for or against censure and the 20 or 30 most active members over the past month are required to vote yea or nay or lose posting privileges for a month.  This would provide a kind of moral slap in the face to the offending member without curtailing his or her freedom of expression


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Re: Ayers Prosecutor Calls "BS" on Obama Connection
« Reply #47 on: October 12, 2008, 07:53:27 PM »
I suppose that the penalty for ticking off BT is that he renames you a "proby" and takes away the ability to edit your posts. I am not at all sure why he should do this.

I wish he would restore this ability to us.
"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."


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Re: Ayers Prosecutor Calls "BS" on Obama Connection
« Reply #48 on: October 12, 2008, 10:44:55 PM »
>>I suppose that the penalty for ticking off BT is that he renames you a "proby" and takes away the ability to edit your posts. I am not at all sure why he should do this. I wish he would restore this ability to us.<<

I'm looking into an alternative. Enough is enough.