be good for a French student , but I wonder if the puns translate ?, November 24, 2008
French Goblins / #1 on Buzzcomix
First, I'll post this announcement in french...
Gobelins est désormais disponible en français (traduit par Avistew) ! Gobelins sera mis à jour tous les dimanches (heure canadienne) A CETTE ADRESSE. Vous pouvez aussi cliquer sur "languages" dans la bannière en haut de la page.
Merci pour votre soutien.
Now the English version...
Goblins is now being translated into french (translation by Avistew)! Every Sunday, french Goblins or "Gobelins" is updated HERE. Or you can click on the part of the links flag that says "languages". The links flag is that weird looking thing at the top of the page.
Also, thanks to all those who voted and put Goblins in the #3 and #1 spots on the lists! Phil Foglio is going to kill me. I'll post more sneak peaks in a couple days.
As always, thanks for reading.