Author Topic: 10 most under-reported stories of 2008  (Read 655 times)

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10 most under-reported stories of 2008
« on: December 26, 2009, 11:41:29 PM »
10 most under-reported stories of 2008 were:

   1. Charges that Barack Obama is not a natural born citizen of the U.S. and thus constitutionally ineligible to serve as president

   2. U.S. Senate committee report that hundreds of top scientists have testified they believe claims of man-caused global warming are fraudulent

   3. The true causes of the sub-prime mortgage meltdown, which point directly to the Democratic Party

   4. Obama's ties to terrorists and extremists

   5. The campaigns of third-party presidential candidates, and Ron Paul's sensationally successful grass-roots campaign

   6. The stunning success of the Iraq war

   7. The sources of Obama's campaign contributions

   8. Obama's far-left voting record

   9. Bush's refusal to pardon imprisoned border agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean, who were prosecuted by the president's friend, U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton

  10. Suppression of Dutch lawmaker Geert Wilders' film, "Fitna," which exposes the worldwide threat from Islam