Author Topic: Americas Chickens Have Come Home To Roost  (Read 543 times)

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Americas Chickens Have Come Home To Roost
« on: December 29, 2009, 11:33:33 AM »
Folks, an unqualified person (possibly not even an American Citizen) was elected president. His past experience is sufficient to manage a Payless Shoe Store not be the POTUS. Now that we are in this position what in the hell are we going to do? The ship is without a qualified captain, the crew are a bunch of pirates and the American people are hostages.

Is this the time to bend over and kiss our asses good-bye?

Michael Tee

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Re: Americas Chickens Have Come Home To Roost
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2009, 11:54:47 AM »
You can't seriously believe that any one man, competent or incompetent, could be the ruination of the U.S.A.?  That's absurd.  Unfortunately, the country is "too big to fail."

I have to agree there were serious flaws in the security systems and a guy whose U.S. visa should have been yanked was allowed to board an airliner with over 350 passengers aboard and almost blew it out of the sky.  That is a serious breach which needs to be fixed immediately, but to go from there to the whole Chicken Little routine, "The sky is falling, the sky is falling!" is just totally absurd.  Quite frankly, twenty such airliners could be blown out of the sky in one day and the U.S.A. would not even be scratched.  There would be a lot of media hand-wringing, endless monopolization of the MSM for months, solemn public funerals for the "heroes of Dec. 25," and then the whole story would disappear off the face of the earth under some new scandal just like Tiger Woods, only with more babes involved.

As far as his other initiatives, the country was in crisis and emergency measures had to be instituted.  Some didn't work, others are yet to be tried out.  BFD.  The financial system hasn't crashed yet, as it was about to under Bush.  The health-care reform was botched from the start, the only real reform (the private option) was weakened and now looks to be on the way out completely.  That's too bad, but the U.S. has survived until now with the shittiest health-care for its population, and can in theory continue to so survive indefinitely.

Obama's a bright, thoughtful, intelligent guy, too cautious by half IMHO and too wedded to the existing financial system which has been feeding off the public for decades and isn't going to be stopped any time soon, but again, that's a parasite that the country has been able to live with.  I'm very disappointed in Obama's foreign policy but in general I'd say the country's finally in good hands after eight years of the disaster that was George W. Bush.