Author Topic: Iran reels toward popular counter-revolution  (Read 3658 times)

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Re: Iran reels toward popular counter-revolution
« Reply #30 on: December 29, 2009, 06:44:08 PM »
Marx said that capitalism causes the capitalists to seek ever cheaper sources of raw materials and labor, in order to maximize profits and/or undercut the competition, and that is EXACTLY what has happened.

Although Marx tried to use the labor theory of value against capitalism by stretching it to its limits, he unintentionally demonstrated the weakness of the theory?s logic and underlying assumptions. Marx was correct when he claimed that classical economists failed to adequately explain capitalist profits. But Marx failed as well. By the late nineteenth century, the economics profession rejected the labor theory of value. Mainstream economists now believe that capitalists do not earn profits by exploiting workers (see profits). Instead, they believe, entrepreneurial capitalists earn profits by forgoing current consumption, by taking risks, and by organizing production.
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