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3 : 1
« on: January 16, 2010, 09:08:26 PM »
I simply can't get over the fact that democrats outnumber Republicans 3:1 in Mass. 

Try as the left might to claim that this is all Coakley's fault, that she's simply running a piss poor campaign (which apparently is also correct), the reality of the referendum on Cash for Croakers, can't be made much clearer.  EVEN IF BROWN STILL LOST.  3 : 1......The bluest of blue liberal states.......and a CONSERVATIVE Republican, running on the opposing of Obamacare, is that close to taking Ted Kennedy's seat

What was that about a certain canadian commie referring to about the will of the people??  How Government needs to hear what the people are wanting...... and NOT wanting??
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: 3 : 1
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2010, 09:16:50 PM »
I simply can't get over the fact that democrats outnumber Republicans 3:1 in Mass. 

Try as the left might to claim that this is all Coakley's fault, that she's simply running a piss poor campaign (which apparently is also correct), the reality of the referendum on Cash for Croakers, can't be made much clearer.  EVEN IF BROWN STILL LOST.  3 : 1......The bluest of blue liberal states.......and a CONSERVATIVE Republican, running on the opposing of Obamacare, is that close to taking Ted Kennedy's seat

What was that about a certain canadian commie referring to about the will of the people??  How Government needs to hear what the people are wanting...... and NOT wanting??

first virginia, then new jersey and now possibly mass, they are shaking in their boots...but will break laws, rules and do anything to retain power. they are evil, desperate and corrupt. they are mentally ill, demented and fowl. they will eat their young and rape grandma, they are liberal, they are progressive, they are communist.


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Re: 3 : 1
« Reply #2 on: January 17, 2010, 05:35:40 PM »
*snicker*....I also can't get over the fact that the left is voiceless, or apparently more so, meritless, when it comes to addressing the questions posed earlier.  Oh, we can talk about how Obama gives some folks the jiggly leg & opine about evil America for the 8 thousandth time, but answering substantive questions about policy & issues......well, when one's gun only has blanks, there's only so much waving the gun around that can bring about attention
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle