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Obama's 17 Minute Rant
« on: April 03, 2010, 08:37:41 PM »

CHARLOTTE - Even by President Obama's loquacious standards, an answer he gave here on health care Friday was a doozy.

Toward the end of a question-and-answer session with workers at an advanced battery technology manufacturer, a woman named Doris stood to ask the president whether it was a "wise decision to add more taxes to us with the health care" package.

"We are over-taxed as it is," Doris said bluntly.

Obama started out feisty. "Well, let's talk about that, because this is an area where there's been just a whole lot of misinformation, and I'm going to have to work hard over the next several months to clean up a lot of the misapprehensions that people have," the president said.

He then spent the next 17 minutes and 12 seconds lulling the crowd into a daze. His discursive answer - more than 2,500 words long -- wandered from topic to topic, including commentary on the deficit, pay-as-you-go rules passed by Congress, Congressional Budget Office reports on Medicare waste, COBRA coverage, the Recovery Act and Federal Medical Assistance Percentages (he referred to this last item by its inside-the-Beltway name, "F-Map"). He talked about the notion of eliminating foreign aid (not worth it, he said). He invoked Warren Buffett, earmarks and the payroll tax that funds Medicare (referring to it, in fluent Washington lingo, as "FICA").

Always fond of lists, Obama ticked off his approach to health care -- twice. "Number one is that we are the only -- we have been, up until last week, the only advanced country that allows 50 million of its citizens to not have any health insurance," he said.

A few minutes later he got to the next point, which seemed awfully similar to the first. "Number two, you don't know who might end up being in that situation," he said, then carried on explaining further still.

"Point number three is that the way insurance companies have been operating, even if you've got health insurance you don't always know what you got, because what has been increasingly the practice is that if you're not lucky enough to work for a big company that is a big pool, that essentially is almost a self-insurer, then what's happening is, is you're going out on the marketplace, you may be buying insurance, you think you're covered, but then when you get sick they decide to drop the insurance right when you need it," Obama continued, winding on with the answer.

Halfway through, an audience member on the riser yawned.

But Obama wasn't finished. He had a "final point," before starting again with another list -- of three points.

"What we said is, number one, we'll have the basic principle that everybody gets coverage," he said, before launching into the next two points, for a grand total of seven.

His wandering approach might not matter if Obama weren't being billed as the chief salesman of the health-care overhaul. Public opinion on the bill remains divided, and Democratic officials are planning to send Obama into the country to persuade wary citizens that it will work for them in the long run.

It was not evident that he changed any minds at Friday's event. The audience sat politely, but people in the back of the room began to wander off.

Even Obama seemed to recognize that he had gone on too long. He apologized -- in keeping with the spirit of the moment, not once, but twice. "Boy, that was a long answer. I'm sorry," he said, drawing nervous laughter that sounded somewhat like relief as he wrapped up.

But, he said: "I hope I answered your question."


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Re: Obama's 17 Minute Rant
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2010, 10:16:57 PM »
Wow , I wonder if he has actually considered the potential adittional taxes have, to do harm?


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Re: Obama's 17 Minute Rant
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2010, 10:32:56 PM »
Wow , I wonder if he has actually considered the potential adittional taxes have, to do harm?

Obama's goal is to break the back of the middle class and make them dependent on the government -- notice how now he claims there are 50 million people without insurance (not 30 million)? Why has the number gone up? Well, it's because people that lost their jobs, thus their health care. That's why Obama isn't concerned about getting people employed. Once he has as many people as possible taking government crumbs and handouts then they will keep voting in the politicians like Democrats to keep getting free shit. These people fear Republicans won't give them free-bee's so they won't vote for them. That is how Democrats have been able to keep 95% of Blacks voting for them. They keep them in poverty, give them a few crumbs and handouts, and they are happy to keep voting for Democrats. THIS IS ALL ABOUT SOLIDIFYING DEMOCRATS  IN OFFICE AND GETTING THEM RE-ELECTED.


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Re: Obama's 17 Minute Rant
« Reply #3 on: April 03, 2010, 10:54:07 PM »
"Always fond of lists, Obama ticked off his approach to health care -- twice. "Number one is that we are the only -- we have been, up until last week, the only advanced country that allows 50 million of its citizens to not have any health insurance," he said".

Notice just how ignorant Obama comes off here? He states that our country won't let 50 million people have any health insurance and that is why we need ObamaCare. Well, either Obama is a liar or ignorant to say something so stupid.


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Re: Obama's 17 Minute Rant
« Reply #4 on: April 04, 2010, 07:13:06 AM »
"Always fond of lists, Obama ticked off his approach to health care -- twice. "Number one is that we are the only -- we have been, up until last week, the only advanced country that allows 50 million of its citizens to not have any health insurance," he said".

Notice just how ignorant Obama comes off here? He states that our country won't let 50 million people have any health insurance and that is why we need ObamaCare. Well, either Obama is a liar or ignorant to say something so stupid.

I saw something in the past couple of months where apparently Rush Limbaugh stated that if health care passed, he was going to leave the U.S.

And I was wondering what third world country without health care he was going to choose?


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Re: Obama's 17 Minute Rant
« Reply #5 on: April 04, 2010, 09:54:17 AM »
I saw something in the past couple of months where apparently Rush Limbaugh stated that if health care passed, he was going to leave the U.S.

And I was wondering what third world country without health care he was going to choose?

Costa Rico.

They have a thriving medical tourism industry.

He wouldn't move there, he would just receive treatment there, if the circumstances permitted.

Michael Tee

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Re: Obama's 17 Minute Rant
« Reply #6 on: April 04, 2010, 10:40:43 AM »
<<Halfway through, an audience member on the riser yawned.>>

The ultimate proof of the total inadequacy of Obama's answer, and,by necessary extension, of the total failure of his Presidency.

Michael Tee

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Re: Obama's 17 Minute Rant
« Reply #7 on: April 04, 2010, 10:44:03 AM »
<<That is how Democrats have been able to keep 95% of Blacks voting for them. They keep them in poverty, give them a few crumbs and handouts, and they are happy to keep voting for Democrats. >>

And the chemicals.  They put stupid chemicals in the blacks' food supplies to keep them stupid so they'll never vote for Republicans, who just want to help them and invite them into their country clubs.


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Re: Obama's 17 Minute Rant
« Reply #8 on: April 04, 2010, 07:58:28 PM »
"Always fond of lists, Obama ticked off his approach to health care -- twice. "Number one is that we are the only -- we have been, up until last week, the only advanced country that allows 50 million of its citizens to not have any health insurance," he said".

Notice just how ignorant Obama comes off here? He states that our country won't let 50 million people have any health insurance and that is why we need ObamaCare. Well, either Obama is a liar or ignorant to say something so stupid.

I saw something in the past couple of months where apparently Rush Limbaugh stated that if health care passed, he was going to leave the U.S.

And I was wondering what third world country without health care he was going to choose?

Costa Rica but he doesn't have to move he can just fly a private jet there when he wants.