Author Topic: Reporter asks hostile question about religion of Allen's mother  (Read 12335 times)

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Re: Reporter asks hostile question about religion of Allen's mother
« Reply #15 on: September 20, 2006, 01:20:22 AM »
Don't you think it's the Allen camp that is milking the Jewish mother question for all it's worth

Um, no. Allen didn't think it was relevent for that type of question to be asked. Like it even matters what somebody's religion is.

The people milking it are liberals, like DailyKos. Just check out Knutie's previous post. The libs are going on and on about what religion Allen's mother is. They overplayed their hand. Just like they always do.


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Re: Reporter asks hostile question about religion of Allen's mother
« Reply #16 on: September 20, 2006, 03:38:35 AM »
"Don't you think it's the Allen camp that is milking the Jewish mother question for all it's worth,"


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Re: Reporter asks hostile question about religion of Allen's mother
« Reply #17 on: September 20, 2006, 04:34:27 AM »
Does this mean that Allen's "macaca" problems are now behind him? 

Yup, because as usual the liberal left overplayed their hand. The Webb campaign and liberals are now using Allen's mom as a political prop. I doubt it's going to go over well. 

The question about his mother and her nationality was because he used a racial slur....a slur that could have come from his mother. Since she came from French Tunisia and Macaca means monkey there, and used as a deogatory name. And the Senator lied, and lied so stupidly. This is a man that would be President was too stupid to even make a decent lie.
Being of a Jewish background you would hink that calling people names was  the last thing he would do.

And Allen smirks as bad as Bush, what is it, a Republican thing?



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Re: Reporter asks hostile question about religion of Allen's mother
« Reply #18 on: September 20, 2006, 11:54:21 AM »
>So we've established that Allen is a racist.

Kos didn't establish anything of the kind. What do you call liberals who throw oreo cookies at Micheal Steele. What do you call liberals who say Colin Powell is a "house nigger"?<
Those weren't just liberals, they were black and recognize  quisling traitors when they see one

>But apparently, he's got something against Jews as well.
Says the guy who is going on an on about Allen's mother possibly being Jewish.<

You seem to be going on about it a bit as well. It must be nice to live in a world without truth  with complete certainty.


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Re: Reporter asks hostile question about religion of Allen's mother
« Reply #19 on: September 20, 2006, 01:36:20 PM »
The question about his mother and her nationality was because he used a racial slur....a slur that could have come from his mother. Since she came from French Tunisia and Macaca means monkey there, and used as a deogatory name. And the Senator lied, and lied so stupidly. This is a man that would be President was too stupid to even make a decent lie.

The question about Allen’s mother’s religion is not relevent to any conversation. The reporter was out of bounds to ask it and the audience there rightly booed her stupidity.  Have you at anytime ever been a Jew, seems like something that should be out of bounds.

The Webb campaign has now picked up on Allen’s mother’s religion as an issue in this campaign. And this isn’t the first time that Webb slandered Jewish people. He also used an anti-semitic slur against his Democrat opponent in the primary.

Being of a Jewish background you would hink that calling people names was the last thing he would do.

This obvioiusly doesn’t apply to all liberals. All they do is call Bush nasty names, like Hitler.

And Allen smirks as bad as Bush, what is it, a Republican thing?

Democrats do much worse than smirk. They’ll tax your ass off.


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Re: Reporter asks hostile question about religion of Allen's mother
« Reply #20 on: September 20, 2006, 01:41:30 PM »
quisling traitors when they see one

How are Micheal Steele and Colin Powell “quisling traiters”?

You seem to be going on about it a bit as well.

I can’t resist responding to you libs trying to make an issue out of Allen’s mother’s religion.

It must be nice to live in a world without truth with complete certainty.

That sounds like a day at the DailyKos to me.


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Re: Reporter asks hostile question about religion of Allen's mother
« Reply #21 on: September 20, 2006, 05:55:25 PM »
quisling traitors when they see one

How are Micheal Steele and Colin Powell “quisling traiters”?

They are like the jews chosen by the Nazi's to lead other non-suspecting Jews int the furnaces. IMHO

You seem to be going on about it a bit as well.

I can’t resist responding to you libs trying to make an issue out of Allen’s mother’s religion.
No one's makng an issue of his mother's religion , but rather of his shame and lifelong deial  over it.

It must be nice to live in a world without truth with complete certainty.

That sounds like a day at the DailyKos to me.

Thank you PeeWee Herman.( If that is what you are what am I seems to be your most powerful debate technique )


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Re: Reporter asks hostile question about religion of Allen's mother
« Reply #22 on: September 22, 2006, 12:52:38 AM »
They are like the jews chosen by the Nazi's to lead other non-suspecting Jews int the furnaces. IMHO
No one's makng an issue of his mother's religion , but rather of his shame and lifelong deial over it.
Thank you PeeWee Herman.( If that is what you are what am I seems to be your most powerful debate technique )

Funny, Kwasi Mfume’s son and perhaps Kwasi himself are apparently appeared ready to endorse Michael Steele’s senate campaign. They seem to be doing it tacitly now anyway. As you probably know, or maybe not, Mfume used to head the NAACP.

My understanding is that George Allen’s grandfather was in a concentration camp, so your reference to Nazi ovens is particularly disgusting. But keep stepping in it.

The religion of Allen’s mother has seemed to cool down a bit now on the left wing blogs. I guess even the loony left realized it was a losing issue to make a political issue over somebody’s religion. Allen will comfortably be reelected in Virginia now. He’s reopening his lead. I liked the way he handled the reporter’s stupid question. He’s definitely a top tier presidential candidate.

And PeeWee (that’s you), of course it’s a powerful debate technique to throw your own words in your face. The loony liberal left has no credibility anymore.


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Re: Reporter asks hostile question about religion of Allen's mother
« Reply #23 on: September 22, 2006, 01:25:17 AM »
You are just making shit up again as most Repubs do. Keep on babbling. You will surely lose anyway as few believe your bullshit anymore.


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Re: Reporter asks hostile question about religion of Allen's mother
« Reply #24 on: September 22, 2006, 02:22:05 AM »
<<Yup, because as usual the liberal left overplayed their hand. The Webb campaign and liberals are now using Allen's mom as a political prop. I doubt it's going to go over well. >>

::Don't you think it's the Allen camp that is milking the Jewish mother question for all it's worth, so that Allen can appear to be the victim of intolerance instead of the racist little shit that he really is?  And so that the whole "macaca" thing will fade away?::

I think so, yes.  It's funny to see this spin on it, though.  Pathetic, but what else can you expect from another Coca-Cola cowboy?
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Re: Reporter asks hostile question about religion of Allen's mother
« Reply #25 on: September 25, 2006, 04:37:31 PM »
Now tries to destroy Allen with a false smear...

Anti-Tobacco Activist Launches Allen Ni---- Smear

Via Salon, Michael Scherer hits Republican Senator George Allen with the "nigger" smear, even though the vast majority of fellow teammates from Allen's college football days do not support the claim. But it appears there could be more to the story of the lone identified accuser, Dr. Ken Shelton.

Over the past week, Salon has interviewed 19 former teammates and college friends of Allen from the University of Virginia. In addition to the three who said Allen used the word "nigger," two others who were contacted said they remember being bothered by Allen's displaying the Confederate flag in college, but said they do not remember him acting in an overtly racist manner. Seven others said they did not know Allen well outside the football team, but do not remember Allen demonstrating any racist feelings. A separate seven teammates and friends said they knew Allen well and did not believe he held racist views. "I don't believe he was insensitive," said Paul Ryczek, who played center in Allen's year before joining the Atlanta Falcons. "He had no prejudices, biases or anything else."

In addition to supporting a Democrat through financial contributions, which Salon acknowledges, evidently Shelton didn't tell Salon of his role in starting Tobacco Free For Life.

Why that might matter is because Allen opponents have criticized the Senator for being friendly to the tobacco lobby. Senator Allen, (R-VA), has accepted a whopping $33,000 from tobacco political action committees in just the 2005-2006 election cycle. Thats more than any other member of congress has taken from the tobacco companies in the past year.

Tobacco Free for Life (TFL) is a grass roots volunteer coalition of educators, health care professionals, survivors and victims of tobacco-related illness, and concerned individuals. Our mission is to prevent and reduce underage tobacco use through education, awareness and community efforts on a "cost free" basis to the youth and community of Henderson County.

TFL started in 1996 by Dr. Ken Shelton of Hendersonville Radiological Consultants and is currently operating out of an office on the Pardee Hospital campus. Pardee Hospital Foundation acts as TFL's fiscal agent and provides TFL with 501c3 nonprofit status.

Interesting that Shelton claims that an Allen Presidential candidacy is what made him so suddenly concerned as to begin writing down recollections several months ago. Exactly how much prodding did his memory require if this was so significant at the time?

About four months ago, when he heard that Allen was a possible candidate for president in 2008, Shelton began to write down some of the negative memories of his former teammate. He provided Salon excerpts of those notes last week.

With nothing other than anonymous sources to support Shelton's claim and the vast majority of relevant individuals contradicting the story, it might better serve Scherer if he could produce a witness without a possible political motivation. Even sources that acknowledged Allen's fondness for a Confederate Flag in his college days stated they saw no signs of racism from Allen.

two others who were contacted said they remember being bothered by Allen's displaying the Confederate flag in college, but said they do not remember him acting in an overtly racist manner.