Are we being attacked by drugs?
Plane, would you please explain in what way, exactly, we are being attacked by drugs? Thank you.
For most of its victims , seduced would be a better word.
I have known people who were hopelessly addicted , and their lives were as disrupted as any victim of violence could have been.
I have had a Friend shot to death by someone he was trying to arrest over a little bit of pot.
I even have known a victim of dread disease who broke the law for the sake of effective relief of pain and another who was very sick and needed to break the law for an effective nausea relief.
The War on drugs has been too emotional and irrational , what is forbidden should be a much shorter list .
The entire anti drug effort should be revisited and combed out to produce a rational program .
The real dangers and the mere prejudices should be separated .
There are thousands of people wasteing in prison that we don't need to have locked up.
There are thousands dieing in the huge cat and mouse game that produces and smuggles the drugs.
There are some of the worlds most nasty people financeing thier unsavory hobbys with the incredable profit.
If I were king we would just unmake the whole narcotic drug enforcement scheme .
We would make Marijuanna and a few other mild drugs as leagal now as they were in the time of George Washington.
We would re-establish the credibility of the government and the medical community and use persuasion to its utmost to educate the people about the danger of the drugs that are addictive.
A few drugs would remain forbidden and the list of forbidden drugs would be pretty short , just the ones that the FDA could not find a safe dose for at all.
People who are addicted should be treated for the desease , and allowed to waste away if they can not choose otherwise.
Since I am not king I don't expect much of this to happen this year.
So I would encourage everyone to obey the law as it is as much as possible , and vote for rational people to make the laws better at the best pace that they can.
Meanwhile the casualtys of the drugs themselves mingle with the casualtys of the war on the drugs .