Author Topic: How's That Socialism Working for ya?  (Read 1496 times)

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Re: How's That Socialism Working for ya?
« Reply #15 on: April 29, 2010, 12:20:37 AM »

<<Ok ,I wonder what you mean  "by cutting the costs of poor health care....."

<<What is going to happen in this direction?>>

The costs of poor health care are hidden.  They are the costs of absenteeism to industry, the increased cost of treating advanced illnesses which could have been nipped in the bud with more or better routine physicals and monitoring, the social costs of disintegrating families who have needlessly lost a key family member at the wrong time in a dependent's life, etc. 

What I meant to say was that if the health-care crisis can be resolved and better health-care provided, then all of these other costs will be saved, and the net effect could be a positive rather than a negative hit on the Treasury.

Are these costs, presently, costs to the treasury?


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Michael Tee

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Re: How's That Socialism Working for ya?
« Reply #17 on: April 29, 2010, 01:50:08 AM »
<<Are these costs, presently, costs to the treasury?>>

Well, sure  - - lost worker hours reflect on the balance sheet of the employer, meaning diminished tax revenues.  Social costs of premature deaths of family members leading to dependent maladjustment in society can be ultimately borne by the Treasury.  I mean basically in one way or another a healthier happier and more productive citizenry is going to be less of a drain on the Treasury than a bunch of sick, maladapted misfits.


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Re: How's That Socialism Working for ya?
« Reply #18 on: May 10, 2010, 11:48:15 AM »
Two "socialist" countries in trouble, suddenly the whole socialist concept is in trouble.  What about capitalist Argentina which totally failed, repudiated its foreign debt and created a whole new currency?  Doesn't that PROVE that capitalism is in big trouble?

Why are you always so crazy and irrational?  Why not follow Communist China, the most successful current example of economic growth and institute a Communist dictatorship to tell businessmen exactly how much freedom they are to be allowed today and tomorrow and to execute any businessmen they feel are taking bribes or adulterating their products?

If the "failure" of "socialist" Spain and Greece (which actually seem to have a lot of private enterprise between them) are indicative of the "failure" of socialism, doesn't the survival of Norway and Sweden prove the viability, if not the superiority, of socialism?

You are just writing nonsense with no thought at all behind it.