I cannot imagine a cop writing a ticket to anyone if they were present,
without asking for ID. Only in Kramerland
XO how do you think most parking tickets are written?
You think the cops wait around for the parking meter
and/or double parked offender to show back up and
then discuss it? If the offender walks up they keep
writing the ticket and usually say "have a nice day".
They don't ask for ID. I've had drivers sitting in their
vehicle and the parking officer walk up from behind,
write a ticket and place it on their window without
them realizing they are being ticketed until the officer
lifts the wiper to place the ticket. Parking ticket
officers are not wanting discussion, they wanna
make money for the city as hassle free as they can.
Same goes for the traffic signal cams...cash cows
without discussion....traffic signal cams aren't in
unions and need healthcare...they are just money machines!