Author Topic: The Commies Finally Get It!  (Read 19408 times)

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Re: The Commies Finally Get It!
« Reply #105 on: June 29, 2010, 11:58:05 PM »
The most recent U.S. Census population estimates show that in the first three months of this year migration from Mexico and Central American countries is down by about 2 percent compared with last year, said Aaron Terrazas, an associate policy analyst at the Migration Policy Institute, a Washington D.C.-based think tank.

Since the start of the fiscal year Oct. 1, 3,702 Cubans have asked for asylum. Last year, 14,061 Cubans made their way into this country. Almost 90 percent of the ones arriving this year came across the Southwest border, according to DHS.

Fewer Cubans have been stopped on the water as well.

Coast Guard figures show they've intercepted 513 Cubans since October. In the same time frame the previous fiscal year, the Coast Guard picked up 1,308 Cuban migrants. DHS officials attribute the drop to better inter-agency coordination and stepped up prosecutions of smugglers.,0,3774895.story


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Re: The Commies Finally Get It!
« Reply #106 on: June 30, 2010, 12:32:07 AM »
Although your comments would certainly apply to some of the young kids we met in Cuba, I am finding it hard to reconcile them with what I know of the medical schools and scientific research in Cuba, including the surplus of medical doctors and their export to other Caribbean and Latin American countries.  Any comment on that?

I do not doubt that there are great scholars in Cuba. It's just that the people I have met do not reflect any degree of scholarship or intellectual curiosity at all. If they hear that some guy shot three people in a restaurant in Hialeah (as happened a week ago), they are afraid to go to Hialeah, even though the reporter indicated that the guy shot himself dead after his murderous spree.
Telenovelas seem to have about 90% of the Cuban women (as well as other Latin women) in thrall. These things are written for a third grade mentality, but with a degree of sex that perhaps is unfit for third graders. Santeria spells and cures for ailments are actually taken seriously.
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