Author Topic: Gore tried to stick his tongue down another girls throat @ New Year's Party!  (Read 625 times)

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With Gore facing sex accusation, long-lost memories emerge

By: Byron York
Chief Political Correspondent - Washington Examiner
07/08/10 8:55 AM EDT

In a semi-reassessment of the character of former vice president Al Gore, the liberal journalist Melinda Henneberger, editor of Politics Daily, casually drops an anecdote we haven't heard before:

For years, he was belittled for being so annoyingly right all the time; Gail Sheehy once criticized him for having no discernable body fat. "He tries too hard to be perfect", she wrote in "Flawless, But Never Quite Loved," a 2000 opinion piece in The New York Times. "Perfection is a serious flaw for a modern politician. Mr. Gore has suffered from it all his life." Maureen Dowd pegged him as a "goody-goody" locked into the Good Son Role," "the Tin Man: immobile, rusting, decent," and "so feminized and diversified and ecologically correct he's practically lactating."

But that was always a caricature; Gore was also sarcastic, droll, and fully capable of playing hard ball. A journalistic colleague I had no reason to doubt told anyone who would listen that Vice President Al Gore had tried to stick his tongue down her throat out of nowhere at a New Year's Eve party in the mid-90s, when all she'd been expecting was a friendly peck.

Gore's behavior, as described by Henneberger, seems neither sarcastic, nor droll, nor hardball.  (Doesnt "playing hardball" apply to things like salary negotiations and political dealmaking "not forcing yourself on a woman at a party")  Rather, it suggests, at best, a boorishness in Gore that some in the media knew about but never got around to mentioning until now, as police investigate a massage therapist's claim that Gore sexually assaulted her in a Portland hotel room in 2006.
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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What the Heck Was Up With Al Gore's Teeth on 30 Rock Last Night?

If you happened to catch Al Gore's cameo last night on 30 Rock and found yourself wondering,
"What the f*** happened to Al Gore's teeth?", well, you weren?t the only one.

The former vice-president/global warming activist was only on for approximately two minutes, but
boy did he and his discolored choppers ever make an impression. Just enter "Al Gore's teeth" into
a Twitter search and you'll see that a weary nation was shocked to learn that a 60-ish man from
Tennessee appears virtually untouched by the wonders of modern dentistry. Don't you people know
about the epidemic of Mountain Dew addiction in Tennessee and what that shit does to human teeth?!

Anyway, I thought that Defamer founding editor Mark Lisanti summed it all up rather hilariously:
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987